Chapter 1

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This takes place on the rooftop during why did I listen to that man, and it's a rewrite of the ending

What if Little Sally got her way in making a happy musical?

If for some reason the cast finds this, I don't ship any of us, I wrote this more as a bored writing warm up type thing. Please don't take this seriously


It had been a cloudy day. Clouds were getting more common, Theodore Lockstock noticed. His coworker, Isaac Barrel, also saw them. The slightly younger cop was very excited when he saw them

"Look, Lockstock, look up!" He said one day on patrol, "Grey clouds! Rain clouds! I wonder if this means-"

"Barrel, not to ruin it for you but, you always say that when we see grey clouds and it never rains. If I didn't know you better I would think you were joining the revolution" He replied and saw the sparkle of hope leave the other cop's eye.

"I know I know. But, hey, still I can dream" That smile... something about his smile made Lockstock so happy. His smile could melt ice, it was so warm. The two laughed and went about the rest of their day.

But today was different. The clouds filled the sky and something was in the air. An odd smell that Lockstock couldn't quite put his finger on. Barrel felt the same. They had talked about it before the meeting with Bobby. He said he thought it might be the smell of rain, but there's no way it could be.

Now, looking up at the sky, Lockstock could see it too. Maybe it was the hope of his coworker or the revolutionary boy's idea getting to him but he could almost feel it.


"Lockstock help me, this kid is out of control!!" Barrel yelled from next to him and Bobby kicked and screamed to be let go, breaking him out of his trance.

"Oh yes" He said, grabbing the boy's arm, "You can't keep screaming all the way down to Urinetown Bobby!"

"B-but Hope!! She's still with the others! If you hurt me, they'll hurt her!" The boy pleaded to Barrel.

"Don't worry, your little Hope will be fine. They won't know a thing" He smirked. Lockstock couldn't stop staring at him. Drunk with power, all excited to send someone off to Urinetown. He was beautiful.

Lockstock wasn't gay though.

Nooooooo he wasn't.


"Now we've finally got you! You're in our claws and stuck in this city of laws!!" Barrel laughed. It was his favorite thing to say. When they sent Julie off to Urinetown, he said it and realized it rymed, so he never stopped saying it.

"What does that me-" But before Bobby could finish speaking, Lockstock hit him on the head with his baton, followed by Barrel hitting his legs making him fall. They both laughed.

"Now that was easy! Your father was cursing us out the whole time" Lockstock laughed.

"Will I get to see him again?" Bobby looked up at Lockstock. All he could think of is how funny it will be when this kid dies and is finally out of the way, so he decided to play along.

"Of course, I'll make sure that you get a house next to each other in Urinetown." He could hear Barrel trying not to laugh next to him.

"Wait, so Urinetown is actually a real town?" Bobby looked to both of them, and the two cops began to laugh again. "I don't understand what is so funny!!" Which made them laugh more. "Please just explain what's going on!!"

"Maybe it's better for us to show you" Lockstock smirked, then elbowed Barrel, holding a blindfold. He nodded and tied it around the boy's head. Then, they threw him into the elevator of the Urine Good Company, leading right to the top of the tall tall building.

"What is going on? Where are we?" Bobby stumbled out once the door opened.

"Whoa whoa be careful, don't wanna go to Urinetown early" Lockstock grabbed Bobby, who was very close to the edge.

"We are at Urinetown now? That didn't take that long" God Lockstock was ready to kill this annoying little shit.

"Yes, yes we are" Barrel rolled his eyes. "You, my boy, stand on the threshold of a new world!"

"The door is in front of you, and after that, Urinetown awaits"

"A door? It feels more like a railing. Are- are those pigeons? Are we on a rooftop??" Bobby looked between the cops, as they snickered.

"With a drop" Lockstock added

"A decisive drop!" The other chimed in. God that smile, that beautiful smile. He pulled the blindfold off Bobby and let him see where they were.

"Welcome to Urinetown my dear boy!!" Lockstock smiled. It was finally time to kill the kid who was causing him so many problems.

The leader of the revolution. The one who got the girl. The one who was never meant to die.

The main character.

But of course, Lockstock could never get his way.

"Did you feel that?" Bobby looked back to the two.

"Feel what?" Then, a wave of shock fell across Barrel's face. "N-no way"

"What's up?" Then, Lockstock felt it.

20 years.

20 years of the drought.

20 years of no rain.

20 years of killing people.

All of it was over, as rain began to fall from the grey clouds above the 3.


OH BOY this was meant to be a one shot but it's not anymore. I'm gonna keep writing this fucker cause I have nothing better to do and spring break is soon.

Welcome to the rain au! Cause I hate sad endings and wanted gay. This will have a lot of ignoring canon but I don't think the 3 people reading a fanfiction about piss musical care about that.

Next chapter will prolly be an info dump about the world from either Lockstock or Barrel's pov. Then, the rest of this will be oneshots about the new world with an over arching plot. I'm gonna keep writing this til I get bored or a member of my cast finds this

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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