chapter one the book

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Six sat in a dark room on an unknown town. She escaped the maw a month ago and ended up here in a tiny town. Which was abandoned like every other place she came too.  The place was like a normal home. But all the wooden furniture was slowly rotting away. Mold covered the white celment walls and wooden floors and there was barely any ceiling left from the amount of damage over the years. Six wasn't sure how long this place was here for. But it must have been a long time. Or the tower wreaked it. Like it did to everything else. She wondered the house till she came to a small book shelf in the hallway. She picked it up with her hands than blew the dust off the cover. With a small cough she looked down at it. It was a brown book with a leather edge that held it together. On it was a shadow of a horse head with a large horn and slanted eyes with a oval shape pupil in the middle. She opened it curious and saw it was some kind of diary. One that she never saw before. She started to read it to herself.


Dear Diary:

I still havent figured out a way home yet and this place keeps getting darker and creeper by the day. It all started when pale city built that strange tower. Now everyone here is acting funny. All they want to do is sit in front of the TV. Me I don't really see what's so interesting? Maybe it's cause I was a pony and not a human?'

Six stopped reading looking confused. She had to reread the last line again.

"Pony? What?" She asked outloud in confusion than went back to reading. 

'It's strange being here. Maybe I should have listened to my sister Celestia and not go through it for fun. Now I have no way of getting home. Maybe someday I will. I'll just have to keep trying!'

Six flipped the page.


Dear Diary:

Still no luck. I've been here for months now. My sister must be getting worried. Hopefully she can handle the moon again on her own like when she banished me. People are also going missing and only leaving leaving clothes behind. One moment they are there and the next poof. Gone. Just like that. I hope where ever they went too. They are safe. I'm still trying to figure out a spell to get me home. It's hard but Twilight did it once. I'm sure I can too!'

Six frowned. "Who are these people? What strange names they have." She muttered and kept reading.


Dear diary:
I finally figured it out! If I use a mirror like before. Any mirror and say these words outloud I can go home!!'

Six looked curious. She stood up holding the book and went to the bathroom. She stood in front of the dusty and dirty mirror. She looked at her yellow hooded form. Than back down at the book. She opened it to the page again than read outloud.

"Magic hear me say.
Make me pay.
Send me home.
To my throne.
Where I may live in peace."

Six blinked. "Funny poem..." just than the book started to glow brightly.  She held it up in shock. "What the hell?!" She cried out. She screamed as her body glowed and she disappered into the mirror. The book falling to the ground and closing on its own. Nothing but the book left in that abandoned home.

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