Chapter 1

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Jay Halsteads life felt like it had plateaued, he would wake up go to work, often working late into the night, and the go home. Jay woke to his phone buzzing on his bedside table. Rolling over he grabbed his phone answering it not bothering to check the ID knowing it will be a case.


"Jay, its Kim, we caught a case I will text you the address."

With that the line went dead and Jay was pulling himself out of bed pulling on a pair on jeans, a long sleeve, and his boots. He slung his badge around his neck and by this point his phone buzzed showing a text from Kim with the address. He clipped his gun onto his hip all these movements mimicking the things he does every single morning. On his way out of the door he grabbed his wallet and key slipping them into his pocket as he walked out of the door.

He hopped in his truck on then noticing how early it was. 5am. The streets of Chicago were completely quiet at this time of morning. Turning the corner Jay was met with the familiar red and blue flashing lights. Getting out of his truck he pulled his coat on feeling the cold morning air nipping at his exposed face. He flashed his badge at the uniform officer standing in front of the yellow police tape. He nodded lifting it for Jay. He made his way towards the group ducking under the red tape also.

"What've we got? he asked approaching the group."

"Drug deal gone bad."Hailey answered looking over the dead body that way currently covered with a white sheet with blood soaking through in places. Hailey pulled back the sheet to reveal a young white male with small splatters of blood on his face.

"Deceased is Owen Harding. He was carrying his wallet with a drivers licence and a student id; he goes to Northeastern Illinois University. Cash was gone if he had any, but cards were still there." Hailey said handing me the teenagers wallet.

"Alright well there are a few pods around here and some cameras so I will head back to the station and pull up the footage and see what we can find." I said walking away letting out a breath I didn't realise I was holding in. Hopping into my truck I made my way back to the station.


Back at the station Jay made his way up the stairs scanning his palm and putting his code in. There was buzz as he pulled the gate open. He made his way over to his desk dropping the evidence bag with the wallet in it onto his desk. He logged in and pulled up the software needed. He then typed in the code for the police pod he knew was near the location. He pulled up the live feed and could see a few cop cars moving to and from the crime scene.

Jay sat there for about an hour before the others made their way up the stairs Voight coming first followed by the rest of the team.

"What did you find Jay?" Voight asked me. I stood and walked over to the board.

"So, our deceased is 21-year-old Owen Harding. He was taking a law course at NIU. A near by pod captured footage of another white male fleeing the scene and then an older Latino male running shortly afterwards. I was able to catch the other white male on another security camera and blew us his image. Now I got lucky, I thought if these two were there together they should know each other." Jay explained. He stuck up all the relevant photos on the board before continuing.

"This is 21-year-old Arden Dumont. He and Owen are both taking the same introduction to law course at NIU. Now I got in contact with the University and the teacher is one Harlow Bishop 35 years old." He finished.

"Good. Take Kim and head to Dumonts address and see if he is there. Bring him in I have a few questions." Voight told us. They both gave a nod collecting their things before making their way out of the district.

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