Generic AU

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So this is the AU that is currently posted here. Six gained the ladies powers and mostly has them figured out. She was guided towards the maw by her shadow self. Her shadow self is driven by selfishness and vanity. So saving mono would've been beneficial to six given that he makes her happy and he keeps her safe. However six's shadow form is very much still present. But six knows how to keep her in check. Basically their dynamic is just
"Your an irredeemable worthless traitor and you deserve to die."
"I'm not sure what the fuck you expect me to do about that at 11PM dude"

    Seven was revived by six once she turned the other children back from being gnomes. The other gnomes told her of her mistake and thus she revived him as well. They became quick friends and are now currently best friends. Given another AU I have seven doesn't like six in a romantic way.

   Mono as I've been writing is alive and back in this AU and as I've been writing restraining himself from confessing. Mono and seven are mostly friendly with each other but definitely have a rivalry with six. Mostly from mono's side because seven doesn't like six he just likes lightly fucking with people.

  Those children from the vents are alive and well too. Six lives with them and they help pay rent and such. Most of them have a job to some degree

One's job is basically making crafts and selling them.
Two is a clerk
Three is a babysitter
Five is a petsitter
Six is on the side of the spectrum where normal jobs tend to be too much. So I'd imagine she would make social media a career to some degree.
Seven is a waiter

Mono's job is being Mono

That's it for now. If I develop it more I'll add more here. Thank you for engaging in my bullshit lol

Where I'll be posting about this AU? Here on wattpad. Making a tumblr blog for every AU idea I have is going to be stressful to keep up with art wise so it'll stay here

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