Chapter 4- Horrible Hair

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Blade's POV
''No I do not want to cancel these interviews, it is happening today and that is final!'' I say as I slam the door shut. It is 5:00AM and this is how I am spending my morning? On one of the most important days of my career? Hell no. I headed to the gym to let off some steam and clear my mind. I will be choosing someone to take over my company today, it is what I have always wanted. I hate being in the public's eyes. Afterall I did not work this hard to not live comfortably. I keep my life very private, people know how I look, what my name is, which school I attended and the country I come from but that is it. They need not know anything else. I walked into my home gym in my shorts having my muscles on blast for the metal to see but I see a shadow over by my bench press equipment. I have no fear because one, every criminal knows who I am so they would not be so stupid as to try and break into my home, two, my home is heavily guarded so it has to be someone I know and the only person that would appear in my house, today, would be my father. I stood there, looking at the shadow, I hissed my teeth, turned around and walked out. I shouted at the top of my voice ''I can't get no fucking peace in my own damn house''. My voice roared heavily and the birds outside got the message because they flew into the distance. My house was a glass mansion, I saw everything outside but nothing could see me. My gym was in the basement so I took the elevator up to my living room. My office was on the other side so I walked straight through my living room and into my office. I had a pretty big office, it had a big glass desk, a 6 layered couch to the left, marble flooring, a white book shelf that took up the entire wall, a huge glass coffee table with a big white fluffy rug under that portion of the room. It was clean, modern and spacious. I also had a room that had all my camera monitors and security equipment that nobody knew about. Not even the builders of this house, that's how private I am. I sat around my desk and pulled out the profiles for the CEO candidates today. I heard over the intercom my dad's voice screaming at me ''WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??? YOU ARE MAKING A HUGE MISTAKE'', I was still pretty riled up but I would never disrespect my parents to their face so I answered saying ''I am in my office and no I am not. There is nothing you can say to change my mind Dad so please give it a rest''. He came in my office, sat on the other side of the desk and reviewed some of the profiles. It was about 09:00AM so I decided to go take a shower since interviews start at 11:00AM. I went to my bathroom that was in my master bedroom. My bathroom was dark as I like dark things. The walls were black, had a double standing shower, jacuzzi, sauna, my closet room on the other side and a wall that was just a mirror. I stripped my clothes off and began to look at my self. I looked myself up and down and realized that even though my body was serving killer, it was going to be a horrible hair day.

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