The Screwiness of Character Arcs (An Introduction)

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Surely you know what a character arc is. Otherwise, you wouldn't have clicked on this book. (But if you didn't, then I have nothing to say to you... 😑)

Character arcs are something you need. They are something you want. 

And, they are something you (most likely) lack.

No offence. 

When it comes to character arcs, most writers are at a loss. They are tricky, confusing, and if you screw one up, your whole story will crumble to pieces as your main characters will become dreadfully annoying without any explanations for quirky behaviours or interactions that may seem over-the-top, rude or downright unrealistic.

What exactly do you want your readers to feel and learn? There is no point in aimlessly writing your book if your characters have no development of sorts. 

**If your character is just a stereotypical badass with no particular interesting points, your readers will lose interest in your story. There must be some sort of connection between your reader and your characters. 


We'll be going through some very key parts of building your characters:

1) Does your character have a positive-arc or negative-arc change?

2) How exactly is your character broken on the inside? (Because, face it. Everyone is.)

3) What makes your character interesting?

4) What is the flaw in your character's mindset?

5) How do the people around your character change them?

So get ready for emo shit, insecurity and possible mental instability! We're diving into the world of bloomin' character arcs, baby!!

(hey, that rhymed 😏)

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