Positive-arc & Negative-arc Changes (An Introduction)

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Welp for a start, you're probably wondering what a positive-arc and negative-arc are. 

Ok, it's simple. 

Imagine you're a gingerbread cookie that has a missing limb. If you had a positive arc, the baker will mend your little broken leg with an extra batch of dough. But if you had a negative arc, the baker will completely forget about you and a chihuahua will bounce over and gobble you up, leaving behind only your head or maybe even nothing at all.

That was a pretty sick analogy ngl.😌

But you get the idea.

Basically, when you start off, your character (the cookie) needs something (the dough). Without that something, your character is incomplete in morals, ideals or the ability to do whatever part they play in the grand scheme of your story.

That something could vary greatly. A rather common (and slightly overused) example is that your main character has lost the ability to love or trust others because (insert whatever scarring past/childhood). 

Other reasons could be that the main character sees their world in a specific way that is most likely wrong or flawed. 


If you want to learn how to write a good setting and world for your character to be in, you can look for the other guidebook on world-building that I wrote. It's called How to Write Fantasy Novels | A Helpful Guide (though it does not only apply to fantasy novels).


So, you must remember that at the start, your character must view things or think in a certain way that is WRONG.

If you don't do this, then your book will be BORING.😑

But this particular view of the world also depends on whether your character is to change for the better or worse.

Not everyone has a happy ending.

There are four key and vital parts to your character's character arc that all writers have to consider when writing a book:

1) What is my character missing?

2) What is stopping my character from gaining that something?

3) Does my character change for the better or for the worse?

And lastly...

4) How do the people around my character affect them?

Without these, your characters will be SHALLOW and UNRELATABLE, and I'm pretty sure you don't want that.🤨

These particular points will be delved into in great detail in the coming chapters, so stay tuned!!

Welp, that's all for now! See y'all very soon!😏

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