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After Thanos, after the blip we finally thought we'd be happy but the world is still healing, everyone is getting over everything. Anyway, today is a new day. I need to get dressed because apparently the American government, SHIELD and the Avengers are giving Loki another chance. He killed my dad but luckily, Fury got him back no matter what. I slide on a dress with converse and leave my hair down. I do light make up and go downstairs. Dad is sitting drinking coffee. I smile and play with my rings. "Do I have to meet Loki?" I asked. "Yeah, you do." said dad. I nod have breakfast.

Tony walks in and sits don with coffee. "Morning you two" said Tony. "Morning, Tony" I said. "Loki will be coming in an hour" said Tony. I nod and I take a sip of coffee my dad placed in front of me. "Please, just be civil. He is getting a second chance and working with us" said dad. "Fine but he better not hurt anyone" I said, frowning. "He won't. He knows the rules" said dad. I nod and stand up. 

"Can I at least go for a walk?" I ask. "Sure, go" said dad. I grab a coat and my phone. I grab keys and leave. I walk along the streets of New York and wonder what would it be like if I lived a normal life. Maybe I'd have a boyfriend, be in college but nope. I'm a SHIELD agent and a damn good one at that. Once it gets late, I head home and go up. There is Loki. Shit. 

"Ah, Miss. Coulson, I believe I owe you an apology.... I really am sorry" said Loki. "Sure" I said, placing my hands on my wrist. I nod and dad just sighs. I sigh and look away. Loki looks away and dad sighs. "Lunch will be ready soon" said Tony. Loki nods and I look away. I look at dad and he looks fine. He doesn't look scared of him, so I guess I should be fine as well. I mean, I can't act scared or rude even if I want to be. That would prove to Loki that I am a scared little mortal. 

We go have lunch and I rub my thighs when I sit down. Dad pats my back. "Your doing good, sweetie. I know this is hard but you will, in time, become friends with him. He is going to be your partner, trust him as will he trust you" said dad. I nod. "OK, dad" I said. 

The rest of the day went fine, I mean Loki stayed in the library. I stayed in my room. I lie on my bed and sigh. Today has been rough. I go have a quick shower and change into my pyjama's. I slide under the covers and instantly fall asleep.

I wish Loki was not here but I will have to work with him.

A Loki book, I think I will update Tom's first. 

Hope you enjoy

Lorna xx

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