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As soon as Hawks was done with his meal, they headed over to Hawks' agency where they had a HUGE training room.
Hawks got a white bag from the back and they both went inside. Hawks looked at the young lady in the front desk and winked at her, making her blush.

"Oh my God, you're so stupid." Takara rolled her eyes.

"Why? You mad cause I didn't wink at you."

"Oh no. I've had Kai Parker wink at me, I'm good." She chuckled, "Plus I'm the only person who's name he actually said right. That's gotta count for something."

"Who the hell is Kai?" He asked.

"None of your business, love." Takara chuckled. 'I swear I need to stop hanging out with Klaus.'

Hawks fake pouted and they rounded a corner to what she assumed was towards the training room. The walls were mostly white with bright fluorescent lights on the ceiling.

Takara looked around when she mumbled, "I swear to God this place looks like a damn mental hospital."

Hawks chuckled and shook his head, "Yeah it's a little plain."

"A little?" Takara asked sarcastically.

He shrugged and laughed as they came to a stop. "Alright, this is your changing room, here's your clothes and then we'll head to the training room."

The girl nodded and took the bag from his hands as she walked in. It was a little bit better than the hallway, still pretty plain though. There were some dark blue lockers lined up in rows with some benches in the middle.

She looked around, curious as to who else trained here since they had so many lockers. Takara shrugged and changed into her clothes.

She looked at herself and slightly shuddered

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She looked at herself and slightly shuddered. Not only from the lack of warmth, but she felt uncomfortable. She wore it anyway, knowing that Hawks was right and she couldn't train in a t-shirt and shorts since it would get too hot.

Takara walked out of the locker room while putting her long, brown hair up in a ponytail.

"Let's go." she said through gritted teeth that were biting down on her hair tie.

Hawks looked up from his phone and stared for a second. Quickly regaining his normal, suave self he walked by her side.

"What, no shoes?" He asked.

Takara looked down at her feet and shrugged, "Nah."

Hawks hummed and kept leading them towards the training room. While they were walking it was quiet. Way too quiet. Both of them felt uncomfortable as the only thing you could hear was their footsteps echoing through the long hallway.

"Okay, what is it?" Takara sighed.


"What is it? I've only known you for two days but you're never this quiet."

"You don't know that."

"I'm good at reading people."

"Who told you that?" He chuckled.

"Lots of people actually."

"Uh huh..."

"You're dodging my question."

"Am not."

"Yes you are, you're asking other questions to distract me. Now answer my question, Hawks."

He sighed and ran his hands through his messy, golden hair. Looking up at the ceiling he lightly chuckled, slightly scaring Takara since Overhaul had done the same exact thing multiple times.

"You're hiding something from me." He smiled.

It scared her. How could someone smile at something so serious? This could all be a complete joke to him, and he could be silently plotting her demise. She looked away, shrinking away a little.

"I don't exactly know you. I get you're the number two hero but you can't just earn my trust in twenty-four hours."

He hummed and nodded. "It's not that. I have a feeling your hiding information that we could use. Important information that we could use."

'Is being a vampire important or something?!'

"I don't know what could help you but whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Well then let's get to know each other!" He exclaimed, slightly regaining his bubbly personality. Or facade. Takara didn't know which one it was.

She shrugged as a response.

They both entered a huge and empty room. It looked like a jungle gym, except with weapons and you could get severely injured. One wall was a climbing wall, there were mats on the floor, and a bunch of other things.
Most of the floor was actually the floor that gymnasts used for their performance.

Hawks signaled Takara to follow him. He slowly walked towards the center of the floor. Takara stared at the back of his head, trying to figure out if he was just walking or if he was going to do some sort of surprise attack.

Surprise attack it is.

He turned around and aimed a kick at her face but she quickly blocked it. He laughed.

"This is gonna be fun."

He brought his foot back down and tried punching her but Takara swiftly dodged his attack. She saw an opening and tried to punch him in the stomach but he quickly grabbed her wrist and dragged her onto the ground. Takara was now face first on the floor with one of her wrists behind her back.

"Asshole." She groaned.

"I win-"

Just as he said that, Takara raised the back of her head and hit him in the nose. He backed up enough for her to turn, back on the floor, and kick him off of her.

"Okay, that's playing dirty."

"No. It's just not losing." Takara replies smuggly.

Hawks rolls his eyes and gets in a fighting stance. Takara does the same thing.

'Obviously I can't compel him, he doesn't know I can do that. So I can only use speed, healing and strength. Wow, the one that I really need I can't use.'

He came at her and she was about to run when she remembered one other thing. Pain.
She wanted to use it. Takara wanted to win the fight. But something was stopping her, she didn't want to hurt him.

And she didn't.

(A/N: HEYYYY BESTIESS! Alright so sorry if this sucks it was kinda rushed cause I'm trying to catch up on school and I'm moving so it's a little bit of a hassle. Um yeahhh! Hope you enjoyed it tho!)

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