Chapter 3: Mysterious

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Third pov

"YOU TOLD RAQUELLE WHAT?! CHARLIE YOU ARE NOT ALOWED TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT YOU ARE!" Talia pratically screamed for the entire street. Charlie had a face that said: 'bish shut up'

"Talia, i was a kid at that time, i didn't  knew any better." She said in her defense. Hey it is true, Charlie was a kid at that time after all. Then Talia said that Charlie should have known better, even as a kid she should not tell her secret identity.

'Wow we literaly  meet each other again and she is already giving me lectures' Charlie thought. She never knew Talia could be that strict. But then again, it has been YEARS since they saw each other. Many things had been changed.

"Oh Talia, give her a break! She was a kid!" Auriana said defending her friend. Charlie and Iris smiled after hearing that. Charlies phone suddenly went of. It was Quinn. He said that the mystery guy is freaking out. Charlie sighed.

"Gotta go guys, drama at home." The others pouted that they had to split up again. But they understood. Besides, they agreed to hang out tomorrow, so it isn't  a goodbye.

Once Charlie got home she saw why the guy is freaking out. He was fighting with the cat. Charlie rolled her eyes at the dramatic scene before her.

"Relax mystery guy, it is just a cat." She said. But that didnt calm him down at all. Charlie sighed once again and she picked up the cat. "This is Zoë. Zoë, meet.... This guy" Charlie said. Yeah, the guy still hasn't told anyone his name despite now knowing that everyone had no evil intentions. Charlie let the cat go and she went to whatever cats do these days.

"Why did you start to fight with a cat?" Charlie said almost wanting to laugh. The guy just rolled his eyes and simply said: "It was giving me weird stares! Of course i al gonna act like that! Would you like it if someone stared at you?" Charlie was dumbfounded. Sure she doesn't like it when someone stares at her, but a cat? Really?

"I really don't have time for this... at all." Charlie muttered going to her room, but before she did,  she saw that the guy now was watching the TV. The guy sees the princesses and got annoyed. Charlie looked at him. "Don't you like them? They are my friends actually. I met them again after a few years" she said.

The guy quickly looked at her and backed off. "You are a princess as well?

'Well damn, he has figured me all out i see' well, now Charlie had to tell him the full truth after all.

"The name is Charlie, princess of Flamex. Most likely i am the last remaining being of my planet. And now your turn mysterie guy. Are you finally gonna tell me what your name  is? Or do i have to guess it?" Charlie said with her arms crossed. The guy looked at her.

"Well, i think that it is clearly that i definetly do not like princesses all together. I am sure that we are gonna be enemies so i might just tell you my name. It's Mephisto." The guy now known as Mephisto said.

Charlie nodded. She wondered if she should tell this to her friends about him. 'Hmm, may i have to wait a little bit longer. Let's see what would happen...' she thought. She only hopes that it won't cause her trouble. 'Oh who am i kidding, of course there is gonna be trouble!'

"Hey, isn't the princess of Flamex supposed to wear earrings? Where are they?" Mephisto said having a plan on his mind. Charlie looked at him and said: " i took them off once i stopped using magic and started to live like a normal civilian on Earth. I didn't want to be a princess anymore when i still could"

That is what shocked him. Oh well, it makes it easier for him to escape this place once he is fully healed. He also noticed that she has 2 different color eyes. That is rare on Earth, where he was born and raised , those things are actually very common. So he didn't ask about it.

"I still have them, but i just don't wear them anymore. I just want to forget all what has happened you know? The longer i think of it, the longer it's gonna bother me. And now that you, Iris,Auriana and Talia are here, I won't be able to forget about it!" She said with a groan.

"I tell you , once something happened in your life, you won't be able to forget it at all. And that is coming from someone with experience!" Mephisto said. Charlie laughed a bit. But that smile soon faltered the moment he had told her of why he was in those woods in the first place. Damn, and Charlie thought that she had it rough.

Charlie had to be careful around him though, he most likely is still a villain and would have a nasty trick on his sleeve. But she knew that that won't happen anytime soon, seeing his condition. So for now she just keeps being nice to him until he attacks her out of random. And he knew that as well. 

'I will attack her when she doesn't expect it at all! Her magic is weakened so she won't have a chance against me! It's her own fault for suppressing it all those years! Ha! Now it can finally be my turn to win! Suck it up Praxina!' Mephisto thought. 

'Right , Praxina.. Once i get out of here i promise that i will find you! And then we can beat those princesses together!' He thought. He only wanted to see his sister again. But if he is being honest, now that Gramorr is gone he wants to stop fighting. But he knows for sure that Praxina won't allow it. So he just has to fight. He doesn't have another choice.

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