Just My McFudgin' Luck

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"Normal" is English

'Italic' is your thoughts

"Bold" is your phone

"Underlined" is Japanese

'Underlined and Italic' is others thoughts.



By the time you woke up, it was already nighttime.

You instantly hissed in pain, both your forehead and shoulder throbbing in pain. "Damn it, did I hit a man or a brick wall?" You muttered, forcing yourself to sit up with your right hand as you rubbed your forehead with your left. The wet grass beneath your hand definitely helped you snap into focus.

"Wha-" You paused and took in your surroundings. There was a waterfall with green moss covering all of the stones around it, the lake beneath it looked big enough to bathe in. The waterfall itself was glowing with the light of the full moon (you made a mental note to visit when you run out of moon water), and a bit of a transparent purple hue cuz uuhh...

There were no green trees, just Wisteria.


You gagged, feeling the pain in you head worsen just looking at the beautiful trees. Why? You loved Wisteria trees! You were even growing one in the garden in your old room after you had watched Demon Slay-

The silliest thought hit you, harder than your new headache. With an aching shoulder, you rose up to your feet and limped over to the water. You held your breath for a few seconds before you exhaled once more, looking down into the water.

Damn, you had one hell of a double chin! Which was natural, of course! You just couldn't help but notice that first instead of the large horns protruding from your head.

Wait, what?

Slowly, you reached up to your forehead, never looking away from your reflection for a second. You had to be dreaming, this is one of those lucid dreams again! But you were now aware and these horns would go away when you touched them because you said s-


You froze, staring into your fully black eyes in panic. Your hair was still the same length and type, but the color changed to a (F/c), and your skin was the same with the exception of a (F/c) Luna moth tattoo on your right cheek. More of these little moths decorated your arms and visible tummy, and you were sure they were on your legs as well.

Your horns were pitch black and sharp, around a foot long each, so you couldn't headbutt someone's stomach without impaling them. Of course, those were the thoughts of a scared coward.

You are the scared, not the coward.

Where the hell were you?!

A gasp of realization hit you, your phone! You could just go on Google Maps and find out where you were! You smacked your forehead, "Stupid (Y/n)!" You instantly regretted it, falling to your knees in pain.

"J... Just pull out the stupid phone and check." You whispered, slowly reach into your fanny pack, which you were surprised you still had, to pull out your phone. From what you felt, the amber bottles didn't break, which was a whole new kind of shock.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙 - Various! Demon Slayer x Demon! Witch! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now