Chapter 1 - House

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I walked over to the front of the house. It was a two storied family home. It was late at night. I was investigating this house to look for a missing kid.

My younger sister was here with me too. She was only 9 years old, and I was only 11.

Now you might be thinking how I was investigating this place in the first place. Im not even a teenager.
Okay, recap time!

I lived near a police station. I used to just watch from a window what was happening in there. I eventually learned that they were trying to catch a murderer who had been on the run lately. One day I walked in and brought him in the police station. I saw him lurking around on my way home and had knocked him out from behind.

They gave me the most surprised and impressed faces I've ever seen. Thats when they invited me to help them with civil outbursts and other protest things. I helped then control the riots to make sure they didnt get too out of hand.

K, recap is over.
"So this is the place Georgie was last seen," Patty said, staring at the house. I suddenly saw a shadow move behind me. "Is anyone there?" I asked, turning around. "Huh?" Patty said, confused. Then suddenly....
I felt something hit the back of my head.
I didn't get to scream or do anything. It was just instant darkness. I had been knocked out for sure. But who...?


I woke up in a daze. My head was spinning. I looked around and saw Patty sitting over me.
"Are you okay?" She asked, she looked like she had been knocked out too.

"Yeah, I'm fine," It looked like we were inside a bedroom. Who brought us here? I got to my feet. "We should probably find away out." I said. "Okay," Patty got up and followed after me.


"What happened to the door?!"
The door had been covered in wood and and it seemed like we needed a code to open it.

"What the hell?" I shouted. "How are we going to get out?!"

"Keep your voice down! They might hear us!" Patty scolded me. "Right, sorry.." I apologized. "We should try to find another way out, or at least find a way to open this door."

"Alright. Let's split up. We should watch out for anyone else, too." "Got it!" Patty walked into one of the rooms. I decided to check out upstairs. All of these doors have locks..

I then found a green key sitting on a table. I picked it up. "Maybe I should try and find a green lock," I saw Patty go down into the basement. She was holding an orange key. Maybe she's trying to find the orange door, I thought. I walked around and eventually found the green key door. I unlocked it and found a hammer and red key. I took the hammer. This hammer should be able to remove the planks from the door. I went to the front entrance and started to remove the planks. I was too busy to not notice someone behind me..
Suddenly I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around in an instant and saw Patty standing there, holding a code. "Ohmyfrickingoddontdothatpleaseyougavemeaheartattack-" "Sorry! I found a code for the door..There is also wood covering some hole downstairs, think you could open it?"
"Uh, alright. I'll head downstairs," I walked down to the basement. I looked around and saw something boarded up.  "Too bad I have this!" I began prying off the wood. When I looked inside, I saw a secret passage. I crawled through and saw it led to a underground room. I saw a safe with a purple lock and a green gear. "I should take that gear," I picked up the gear and left the hammer behind. There was a hole to exit. I left and I found myself outside. Is this the backyard? I found a well and a shed with the door unlocked. Patty probably unlocked it. I saw a weird contraption you needed to find two gear for. Do these control the well? I should probably place the gear I already have. "Maybe I should find another one too,"
As I walked back inside I heard a scream.
Huh? What happened?!
I ran towards the screams and saw Patty getting chased by someone holding a bat. I just watched as she ran around the room screaming while they chased after her. They looked around her age, with red hair and pale skin. She was wearing a white shirt and a red skirt. She had white socks and red shoes, too. However her eyes-
They looked completely black. One of her pupils were glowing red.
She looked really scary.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I saw that Patty was holding a red gear. "Hey Patty!" I shouted, "Use that item you have outside in the shed!" I saw her nod her head, since she couldn't really answer. She then ran into the dining room with the girl running after her. All we need is something to deactivate that thing on the door. I should look around a little more. I looked around for items again. I checked out the basement and found a wrench laying around. Did I not notice it before? I grabbed It and hurried to the front door. I used the wrench on it and...

Success! It deactivated! All we need is a white key.. Maybe that well has something to do with it. Before I could head over there, Patty burst through the door holding the white key. "No time! I already got it! Move!" She pushed me aside and unlocked the door as fast AA possible. We ran through and ran as fast as we could down the road. I looked back and saw that the girl wasn't following us anymore. Phew...

"What..Was that...?" I asked, out of breath.

"I don't know but...She looked so familar, but I don't know why..Her eyes were.." Patty responded.

"We shouldn't focus on that right now. It seem like she also became hostile like those other people.." I said. "For now, let's head back to the station. We should tell them what happened first."

"Okay..But that's far from here.."

"Well, I don't have my phone to call anyone so were going have to walk." I said. "Okay, fine.." She complained, but started walking anyway.

While we were walking, I kept contemplating about what had happened in that house. Was that girl related to Georgie's disappearance? Why was she attacking us? And why does she look familiar as well? I couldn't piece together what had happened.

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