Kion's choice

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*It was the later evening once the night pride has gotten ready for their shift and the lion guard were tended to help except for kion because he wasn't feeling like himself even tho his scar was healed and they were ready to go home* 


*sigh* Rani's great and all but she hated my guts for days since we came to the tree. We understood that queen janna's passing affected all of us even the guard for a short time but now I want to go home but the tree of life does need some help.. but ugh- what do i do?


Grandfather Mufasa? 

*Indeed grandfather mufasa has appeared in front of him with a concerned look written across his face* 

Kion, I sense you need some help? 

Yes.. Yes grandfather *sits* You see I want to go home and see my family but the tree of life needs some help at peace. What should I do?

Kion, the choice is yours. I know my son well, he would want what's best for you. You should talk it over with your friends, I'm sure they will listen. Especially your new leader

Fuli? What about her? *confused*

Well as I can vision, she has done so much for you for your journey to the tree of life. Whenever you are in a need of help, you know she will be there for you as much as I will.

Oh.. Alright. Thanks grandfather .. *thinking: "How did he know?"* *he smiles at him*

Anytime Kion.. *He disappears*

*sighs and sits by the hill looking at the stars alone before looking down at his team*

*Meanwhile with the guard*

Come on guys, let's get some shut eye. *Besthe rests in the grass*

Yep *anga replies before sleeping on a branch next to ono*

Alright, go ahead and rest. I need to find Kion. *Fuli replied to them before wandering off*

*Back with kion* 

Where is she going? *getting up and follows her to the shore by the falls*

-Fuli's POV-

*sigh* I wish I could see him... now he's too busy with Rani to notice. 

*She looks down at the water, no matter how much she hates it she does tolerate by taking a drink* 

Even though I hate getting wet, I do need a drink.. and I tolerate water- *puts my paws in the water and looks at the stars as they glisten*

*Kion's eyes were in shock as he sees his fuli- his friend.. taking a dip in the water*

hevi kabisa.. *whispers* she's in the water.. better stay here but I need to tell her..*hides but watches in the distance*

*Fuli was taking her time in the water enjoying the cool rips of the water before climbing out and looking back at the starts ignoring her drench fur and frowns at the moon*

Maybe I should just go.. *kion whispers before stepping on a branch almost jumps*

WHO! WHO GOES THERE! *in fighting stance*

*Kion sighs before coming over* It's just me Fuli..

Kion? *she looks over before watching him sit down beside* What are you doing this late?

I was gonna ask you the same thing, I thought you hate getting wet?

Well sometimes a cheetah needs some coolness in the water *she remarks before looking back at the stars*

Yeah, well.. *sigh*

*Fuli looks at her friend (crush) in concern and turns to look at him* Kion.. What's wrong?

Fuli.. I.. 

Kion.. Do you want to stay at the tree of life?.. *she asked*

I don't know.. there is peace in the pridelands and the night pride could use our help.. well some of the night pride. 

*Sigh* It's on duty to help others no matter what, we are the lion guard.

Yeah I know fuli but.. *sigh* 

Listen Kion, as someone close as I am to you, I'm here to support you and I'm sure our friends will as well. I know we all want to go back to the pridelands and we still can and we could always return here to help whenever they need us. *yawns* Come on let's go..

Fuli wait- *kion grabs her paw and brings her close to him gently*

K-kion.. *she blushes red* 

Fuli.. You've been just amazing you know that? I can't imagine a day without you. No matter where we go, your always by my side. Ever since we left the pridelands, my scar took control of who I was but you pulled all of us especially me through this journey. *sits down still holding her paw* What I'm trying to say is.. I don't wanna ever loose you. You mean everything to me and it would mean the world to me if you stay with me. 

S-Stay with you? You don't mean.. *blushing*

Yes Fuli I do.. I love you Fuli. I cannot imagine a day without you in this world. 

Kion.. I'm honored, I truly am but what about Queen Rani? 

*Sigh* To be honest, she was stupid from the beginning until we met her grandmother who was the ruler at the tree of life and I felt symphony for her because of the loss of her grandmother but I know she doesn't love me. We've been there for less than 2 weeks. She just wants my roar because she knows I have control and I'm the power of taking the bad ones down.. but you I know you never loved me for my roar, You love me for who I am no matter what and It's pathetic if you ask me that Rani thinks that I'll ever love a cheetah like you because I do even if the roar returns to the tree. My heart belongs to you Fuli, it has always been you and it will NEVER end. Fuli will you stay by my side till the pridelands end?

*Fuli didn't know how to respond even tho her jealously with Rani has dissapeared because she knows Kion loves her back just as much as she does*

Yes Kion, I will always be there whenever you need me. *she smiles*

*Kion smiles before licking her cheek* to be honest I was jealous when I saw Azzad

Don't worry he's just my friend. In fact he already knew I liked you Kion. *she blushes before tags him running off*

H-Hey Fuli! *laughs before chasing after her* "I finally know where I belong."

*As the two lovebirds heading off the hills as their journey continues*


Kion's Choice.. (A Lion Guard One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now