chapter 8

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~One month later~

It had been one month since college started and the work just kept piling up. Luckily for you, you could keep up with it. It's not like you had anywhere to go. Sasha and her friends would occasionally invite you to a party, but you refused. You told yourself that you needed to focus on your work, so you could get a good job and become someone your sister would be proud of. Singing was off the list, and you hadn't sung in years, but you never gave up on your studies.

You had gotten closer with Jean and Connie since they always came to Sasha's dorm. The four of you also hung out almost every Friday to catch up on some work and just chill. They were busy on weekends, which gave you plenty of time to be alone and study. Occasionally, memories of Liam came back to you but you quickly shook them out of your head.

Not to mention that Eren kept popping up into your head too. You couldn't help but smile thinking of the few interactions that you had. Him being famous didn't affect you at all, which got to him too. You treated him like a normal person, which said a lot considering everyone else treated him like a god. He didn't mind, but it was nice to meet someone normally.


"Y/n! Please come to tonight's party!" Sasha fell to her knees, clasping her hands together as she begged you.

"Sasha, I have work to do," You sighed.

"You have the whole weekend! Let loose for one Friday night, please! You've been feeling better since, you know, so start looking for other fish in the sea!" Sasha cried out.

"I don't know... Sasha, you know I'm not big on parties. Plus, I've never been to one," It's true. You've never been to parties. And looking for other people to date never came up in your mind.

"Let this be your first one! Don't be scared! Jean, Connie, and I won't let anything happen to our precious y/n!"

You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Girl, who are you kidding? We all know the three of you are gonna get drunk. You guys have come back here drunk as hell almost every time!"

"Ok, but if you come, it won't happen. Please, please, please!" Sasha's forehead met the floor as she continued to beg. It made you laugh every time.

"Fine, but if you guys start drinking, I'm out. No one will be able to bring me back here then," You decided to give in, hoping that you would be able to move on from Liam. Yeah, your feelings have been disappearing slowly, but you still thought about him sometimes. He hasn't tried to contact you, which was good, but sometimes you wanted to see how he was doing, like how he checked up on you 5 years ago. But you knew that he didn't deserve that type of attention and care from you.

"Yes! I love you, y/n! Do you have a dress?"

"Uh, I don't know. Go check," You shrugged. Sasha ran over to your closet, dropping her head down as she noticed that you didn't have any dresses at all.

"I'll let you borrow one of mine," Sasha chuckled, pulling out a few dresses from her closet. She laid them out on her bed. You walked over, looking at the three dresses in front of you. On the right, there was a short black dress with spaghetti straps and a small slit at the bottom left. In the middle, there was a long sleeve maroon turtleneck dress. On the left, there was a black off-the-shoulder dress with long sleeves and buttons running down the middle. "Choose your favorite one," Sasha pointed to the three.

 "Choose your favorite one," Sasha pointed to the three

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(picture the maroon one with long sleeves)

"Um, I guess I'll wear that one," You pointed to the (choose which one).

"It'll look so good! Okay, go get ready, we have 3 hours," She smiled, picking up the selected dress and handing it to you before pushing you to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, shaving, and moisturizing, you put on the dress, admiring the way it comfortably wrapped around your body. Your curves were shown perfectly as the dress exposed your legs and the lower half of your thighs. You wore some lace thongs and a matching bra in an attempt to feel good, and it worked. You never really dressed up like this often, but when you did, it felt nice. The last time you wore an outfit like this was with Liam, but today was the day to move on from that life. You smiled at yourself in the mirror as you did your makeup the way you liked it. You styled your hair the way that suited the occasion and chose a pair of heels from the few pairs you brought with you. You sprayed your favorite perfume on yourself as you took in the scent, loving it.

"Girl... you look so hot..." Sasha's jaw dropped as she saw your finished look. You smiled as you winked, making her run up to you and pucker her lips. You laughed as she picked up her purse, placing her belongings in. You did the same, taking a purse that matched your outfit and put your phone, a few touch-up makeup items, and your headphones in it.

"You look sexy too, Sasha," You took a good look at her short dark green dress, which exposed a little cleavage and traced her curves. She had a gorgeous figure, almost turning you on. She winked at you as you did to her, making you smile at her as you followed her out of the room.

a/n - sorry this chapter was a little shorter than the rest, it was my birthday yesterday so i didn't have much time! but the next one is hopefully a little more exciting!

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