chapter 12

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"Y/n, are you awake?" You heard a faint voice pulling you out of your sleep. You slowly opened your eyes, taking in your surroundings. "Y/n?" You lifted your head up to look to the right of you, only to see Eren rubbing his eyes, yawning. He looked so cute. His hair was disheveled and a small tear formed in the outer corner of his eye as he stretched his arms.

"Did we fall asleep?" You slowly rubbed your face, remembering that you had makeup on. You paused in your movements, checking your fingers for any excess makeup, but there was nothing.

"I removed your makeup,"

"You know how to do that?" You were amazed at the fact that he really did take off all your makeup. You pulled out your phone to see yourself in the camera and your face was clean.

"I'm not an idiot," He rolled his eyes.

"Mm, debatable," You chuckled. "What time is it?"

"Three in the morning," Eren looked at his phone, yawning. "Do you want something else to wear? That dress looks uncomfortable to sleep in,"

"What? Oh, no. Sorry, I should probably go back," You tried removing the blanket and getting up but he pulled you back down, making you fall on his chest.

"Sleep," He whispered as your head laid on his chest. He wrapped the blanket around you along with his hands. While you could hear his calm, slow heartbeat, your heart started beating quickly, making you feel like you were going to have a heart attack.

"Are you sure?" You looked up at him, finding him looking down at you. He nodded, closing his eyes and holding your head with his hand. You could tell he was extremely tired, he must be. He had a busy life, after all. He softly pushed your head towards his chest as he laid his head on top of yours. What the hell is going on? Is this a dream? You kept thinking. You were still in shock, taking in the situation in front of you. You were laying on Eren's chest, sleeping with him. Feeling his warmth around you oddly calmed you down though, making you drift into sleep.


"Y/n, wake up," A soft voice whispered against your ear. You felt the hot breath brush against you, making your eyes flutter open. "Morning," The voice said again.

"Eren?" You rubbed your eyes, looking up at him. You took in the position you were in, making you get up and move to the other side of the couch. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, that was not- uh," You covered your face, feeling it turn red in embarrassment.

"It's fine, I let you," Eren smiled at you, laughing a little at your embarrassing state. You smiled at him too, picking up your phone to see the time. It was Saturday, so no classes. But it was Saturday, which meant Eren had rehearsals.

"Don't you have rehearsals?" You pointed at your phone, showing him the time. 8:37 A.M.

"Shit shit shit, I gotta go, I'm sorry. You can stay here though, But I'll be back like, at 3. So it'll be boring. But we are hanging out today, so keep your afternoon and evening free," He said quickly as he rushed in and out of his bathroom and bedroom, getting ready to leave. You just stood there, watching him rush around his house to get ready. You found it funny, how he forgot where he put his stuff and how he ran around like a child.

"You're cute,"  You thought to yourself.

"Thanks," Eren stopped in his tracks, smiling at you.

"Hm?" You looked at him confusedly, until you realized what happened. I fucking said that out loud, fuck fuck fuck fuck. "Ohhh, fuck, uh- I was lying," You held out a peace sign, trying to cover up what you just said.

"Were you?" He squinted his eyes and smirked.

"I definitely was," You scoffed, making him roll his eyes. That was close.

"Well, I'm off. I'll call you later," He waved as he walked out the door. "Wait," He paused, coming back in. "What's your number?"

"You don't have it?" You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to remember if you gave it to him.

"No, we only snap each other," He walked up to you, handing you his phone. You took it, putting your number in.

What should my contact name be...? You took a few seconds and came up with:

best person ever <3

"Are you joking?" Eren chuckled, seeing your name.

"No," You smiled.

"Okay, I'll text you," He typed something and put his phone in his pocket, leaving his house. You pulled out your phone, seeing that you got a text from an unknown number.


best person ever <3

that's me :)

best person ever <3
lmao okay have fun at rehearsal

jaeger :)
will do cutie

best person ever <3
come again?

jaeger :)
cutie ;)

best person ever <3
stfu before i kill you

jaeger :)
not if i kill you first

best person ever <3
go to rehearsal dumbass

jaeger :)
wtv u say babe 🙃

best person ever <3

jaeger :)
i'll pick you up at 4, be ready

best person ever <3
okayyy :)

Your heart fluttered as you re-read the messages you and Eren had sent each other. It didn't feel weird at all, like you guys had been doing this forever. But in reality, it was all new. You guys had never flirted with each other like this. The tension between you guys had never been this much. You worried that your friendship might be changing. You always reminded yourself of the fact that he and you were just from different worlds.

suicidal pop star | eren x reader (modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now