My name is Luke brown. I am a third child. But if you are a third child the police have to kill you, I am a hidden child. Which means I cannot go anywhere but I wish I could be like my two brothers Marc and Mathew. My two brothers get to go outside and to school, I just stay home and watch my family outside and they do work. At night I can go outside, now the police made us cut our grass because it was tall and no one can see me but now I can't go outside. Now I'm trapped inside now I cannot even take a Peack at the window. My brothers always make fun of me. I always watch them do there school work I sometimes do there homework. I wanna go to school I tell my brothers but they laugh at me and they say you are to dumb to go to school. I went in tears because I am the different one in the family. It felt to me that I did not even exist. I felt so sad.