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POV: Moonbin
I chuckled I wanted to mess with then for a bit
"Okay baby want do you want to eat hm" I asked Rocky
Sanha and Eunwoo were shocked at what I said but MJ and Jinjin already knew that I called Rocky baby sometime and kiss his forehead from time to time
"Hm rice with chicken is fine" He responded
"Okay" I responded giving him a kiss on his forehead and walked to the cabinet
Eunwoo and Sanha were jealous it was written all over their faces
After I finished cooking Rocky's meal I went to Rocky who was still sitting on the counter
"Okay baby open wide" I said with a spoon filled with rice "H-hey I can feed myself" Rocky said
"Just open and eat" I said Rocky didn't move
"Rocky.." I said in a cold voice "Okay okay I'll eat" he responded "Good" I smiled
After Rocky finished eating I took the dishes in the sink I went to pick up and carry Rocky
"You know I can walk right" Rocky said
"I know but I know you like when it I carry you" I said Rocky didn't say anything he just blushed
I laughed I was walking over to the couch with Rocky in my arms Sanha and Eunwoo looked like they were about to kill someone
I sat down and since I was carry Rocky he sat down on my lap just cuddling to me I patted his head
"Omg Jinjin how come you won't do that to me?" MJ hyung asked Jinjin hyung
"What do you mean I do but then you just kick me" Jinjin said kinda of mad
Both of them just started bickering.
I just laughed at them while running my fingers though Rocky's hair
Sanha and Eunwoo just looked so annoyed at everything around them
"Ya Moonbin let's go to the gym I'm tired of fighting with this short person" Jinjin hyung called
"HEY WERE ABOUT THE SAME HEIGHT" MJ hyung yelled at Jinjin hyung
"Moonbin come on let's go" Jinjin said
"Okay but let me go and put Rocky in his bed he fell asleep" I said. Jinjin nodded
I a got up I could feel a pair of glaring at me it was Eunwoo..

Author note :)
On Monday I posted a chapter thinking it was Tuesday 😭
I wrote that chapter on that same day cause I thought it was Tuesday and I forgot to write one
Anyways now have chapters done so then that doesn't happen again😀

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