Chapter 13

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 "Engin, has something happened to Serkan? He was supposed to be here an hour ago and he still hasn't come yet"- Eda said, her voice trembling as she'd had a bad feeling since she woke up.

"He was on an accident, we're at the hospital"- Engin managed to say, as Eda felt her chest tighten, immediately dropping the phone to the floor. She was still processing what Engin had told her but really fast snapped out of it, immediately running to get her keys.

"Eda, what happened"- Selin asked but Eda couldn't utter a word. He made a promise to never leave her, yet he was, just like everyone else. She'd never felt this type of pain and the thought that he, the man she loved more than life itself, might leave her shattered her heart in a million pieces.

Everyone got to the hospital as fast as they could, but Serkan was still in surgery. Eda was shocked, tears were roaming down her eyes desperately waiting for what felt like an eternity as a nurse finally got out of the operation room to inform them about his state.

"Is Serkan... Is he... okay, is he going to be okay, please tell me he's okay"- Eda barely managed to form a sentence.

"He has internal bleeding, but he's alive for now. All I can say is that the next 24 hours are going to be critical, so be ready for everything"- the nurse informed as Eda took both her hands, not letting her go, practically begging her.

"No please save him, I can't breathe, I can't...see" and then blank. Eda passed out. The 10 different kinds of pain she was in at the moment were unbearable. She needed him back, she missed his touch, voice, smell, presence...him. She'd not only found what she'd been desperately looking and longing for, but got even more, she didn't only find love in Serkan, she found herself. Losing him would mean losing the will to live, to get out of bed every day, and to be happy. He was her happiness and without him, there'd be no her either. 

She woke up an hour later, and the first words she uttered were "Serkan?".

"He's okay kuzum. He just got out of surgery, they're taking him to a room till he wakes up. He's okay love"- Selin said, hugging her tightly as Eda felt the pain on her chest slowly release. He hadn't left her. He didn't break his promise. He was okay.

"I'm staying here with him!"- Eda exclaimed, not taking no for an answer.

"Bak kizim, I know you're worried. I am too. But you should go rest. You know, I didn't wanna meet you again under these circumstances and Serkan had planned for all of us to have dinner, trust me, he doesn't want to see you in this state"- Aydan said, coming closer and putting her hand on Eda's cheek to wipe a tear.

"Aydan hanim, I can't go, please let me be the one to stay. You all need rest too, I just rested, please just let me stay with him. I can't"- Eda said, more tears running down her face. Not a chance in hell she was going to leave his side that night.

Aydan could see the worry in her eyes, she could feel how much Eda loved him, and that was all she wanted for her child. To be able to love and feel all the love he was deprived of at a young age. That's all a mother would want for a child, isn't it? So she didn't complain.

"Tamam kizim. You can stay, but you promise to call me if anything changes."- Aydan stopped and continued in a whisper "Thank you, for being here for him, for loving him. God knows he needs something good in his life".

In the meantime, Ferit and Engin were outside talking. Something was definitely not adding up.

"Ferit, bak, this can't have been an accident. But don't tell this to anyone yet, not even Selin till we know for sure."- Engin whispered to his friend making sure no one was around to hear them.

"You're saying someone is trying to kill him?"- Ferit gasped in surprise. "Who, but most importantly why would someone want him dead? I get that Serkan can be a big pain in the ass sometimes, but I can't think of a reason as to why someone would actually want him dead"

"Yeah, I've upped the security, no one besides us is allowed to come visit him. We have to be careful"- Engin said eyeing the security guards that were at the end of the hall. They were not going to let this go easy.

Engin and Ferit decided to wait outside as everyone headed home. No way they were going to let Eda and Serkan alone, especially now that they suspected someone was after him. They spent all night going through the pics from the accident and all the people who had a grudge against him. They decided to have the police get involved in this one as soon as Serkan woke up. But in the meantime, they were gonna do some digging on their own.

The doctor said that only one person was allowed inside Serkan's room, so Eda got in to spend the night there. Her heart broke upon seeing Serkan sleeping, so vulnerable, she wasn't used to seeing him that way. She went to lay next to him, whispering in his ear.

"Serkan, Askim, I'm here now. Don't you ever scare me again like that... ever, or I might as well come and kill you myself"- Eda said as she went to caress Serkan's hair. His body was badly bruised, and that had got to hurt. She could only imagine in what kind of pain Serkan was and the thought that she could do nothing about it except lay beside him, broke her heart, but at least he was alive. And he was gonna get better. She was going to make sure of that.

"I love you baby"- Eda said as she felt a tear escape from her eyes. Hoping and praying were the only things she could do. She wished she could take all his pain away. 

"Please come back to me".

She then planted small kisses all over his face before dozing off right next to him, so that she'd be the first face he'd see when he woke up... if he woke up.

Author's note: Long time no see! I'm really looking forward to the next episode of SCK. So in the meantime, while we wait, I hope you enjoy his chapter. I'll post soon more (probably tomorrow but I'm not promising anything bc writer's block sucks. 

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