Chapter 28

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It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply. Ten different kinds of pain were tearing through him like knives and he was unsure as to what cut him deeper and hurt him more, the shock of what had happened or the ache for what never will. Suddenly, his life lost meaning, the colors faded, his chest tightened and the weight of the world on his shoulders crashed him down.

"We will find her Serkan. It's okay to feel, please feel something"- Selin hugged Serkan as tears roamed down her eyes. Everyone had been searching like crazy for the past week, especially Serkan who hadn't had a decent meal or sleep for that matter since Eda's disappearance.

"I won't rest until she's safe in my arms"- Serkan murmured, his eyes almost black due to the lack of sleep and tiredness. "You don't get it, I can't... It hurts. She's everywhere and nowhere"- Serkan broke down in Selin's arms. He had shoved his feelings so far down his heart he didn't shed a tear for a week, too preoccupied with finding her.

"Shh, it's okay. Feel, let the pain in. Feel, I'm here for you"- Selin said caressing his hair till he finally fell asleep for the first time in the past week, so she let him gather himself a little.

"How is he?"- Ferit whispered, too careful not to wake him up. He too had been helping Serkan and the search party for Eda and seeing his friend suffer like that broke his heart.

"He finally slept. Where are we with Asya's disappearance? Any leads?"- Selin asked hugging Ferit tight and placing her head on his chest.

"Please don't tire yourself too much. Think about the baby and leave the rest to me"- Ferit said as he kissed Selin on the forehead, dropping her at her house so he could head to Ceren's house later then.

"Now that you're all here"- Ceren continued. "The police have caught Asya, and I think she'll be willing to strike a deal. I myself am going to persuade her into this and I know just how."- She paused for a second and then smiled. "Blackmail"

- "And I'm going with you"- Serkan continued. He was one step closer to finding Eda and even if that took doing some shady business, he was all in. For her, he would do everything.


Flashback 6 days ago:

The early morning rays of sun that fell in her eyes managed to wake her up, where was she? How did she get there? Her head hurt like hell, her eyes were heavy and her stomach was a mess.

"You're awake"- she heard an oddly familiar voice speak, but her vision was still blurry so she couldn't quite figure out who it was.

"Who are you? What is... My head hurts"- Eda murmured as she put her hands to her head, massaging it slowly, as her eyes finally opened only to see Deniz standing still before her." Deniz, what are you doing? Why am I here?".

"Hello Eda, you've been out for some hours. Now that you're finally awake, what do you say to breakfast? Are you hungry?"- Deniz asked handing her a plate with a sandwich in it.

"Deniz I'm not eating anything till you tell me what the hell am I doing here."- Eda exclaimed, giving him a threatening look so he'd understand how serious she was.

"Fine. I needed to save you, you should be thanking me for getting you out of Serkan Bolat's grip. You don't know who he is and I intend on showing you."

"What the... So it was you, all along, keeping me away from him."- Eda said as she slowly put the pieces together, but then was interrupted by Deniz.

"Don't interrupt me. The Bolat's destroyed my family and I better die than watch them destroy yours too"- Deniz said and then paused for a second.

"What are you talking about?"- Eda asked, her brows furrowing in confusion.

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