Counrty human America x reader

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So this story is really crappy. I had a friend personally request this so I made it for them. Edit from future me: This is probably a lie, I have no friends. And it's not THAT bad.

It was the typical best friend falls in love with the other senrio, Y/n had fallen in love with America, they had been best friends since they were kids. They told each other *almost* everything, the almost being on y/n's part. As if they were going to tell America that they loved him. He had fallen in love with y/n's other friend. She was freaking perfect. Wonderful, smart, and over all amazing.

But today was they day that he told y/n that he was going to tell F/n(friends name) that he loved her. Y/n was heart broken.

"That's good, I'm really proud of you! Tell me how it goes" Y/n told them, it was the truth, they wanted to know how it went. Deep down hoping for their friends rejection. "Plan on it! Wish me luck, I'm gonna go before it starts to rain. Text you later!" He yelled, picking up his stuff before running home, most likely to prepare himself mentally.

Y/n sighed, walking into their house, going to take a nap.

*a few hours later*

Beep. A notification rang out, pulling Y/n out of their light sleep.

Oil-hoe: U up?

Y/n: Yeah, I am now. What's up?

Oil-hoe: I'm going to her house rn, just wanted to make sure you were up.

Y/n: Good luck, text u later. ❤

Oil-hoe: Thanks, Ttyl girly. <3

Y/n felt tears start to well up into their eyes, they let out a slight sob before jumping up, deciding to go on a walk... in the rain. 'The rain? Really author?' (HEY! I PAYED GOOD MONEY FOR THAT FORTH WALL, NOW I HAVE TO FIX IT).
Still filled with emotions, they ran outside. To a place very well known to them. (Get ready for the bs story part right here) A nice old forest. It was obviously still raining but it wasn't bad. They never really slowed down from running, knowing where the small forest ended. They followed the small river, hoping to everything out there that America wasn't here to confess to f/n.
The forest seemed so magical at night, the rain slowed and fireflies began to show up, making it look like there were fairy's flying around.

Y/n stopped to catch their breath before sitting down on the rocks by the water. The forest was their happy place, where they could go after a bad day, sometimes alone other times with America.  Memories started to fly through their mind, memories of them together skipping rocks, sitting and reading by the trees, sometimes on their phones other times talking about their day together.
Y/n wanted all these memories to just stop but couldn't get them to. It hurt their heart to be this way. It felt like only a few minutes but instead had been hours. Y/n slowly began to wonder if they should go home, but decided against it. Not wanting to even have the slightest chance of someone seeing them this way.
Y/n laid down onto the grass, despite the fact it was still wet, and felt at peace. Looking at the no longer cloud filled sky, the stars sparkled and the moon was full, shining light down onto the earth. They must have been there for another hour or so, just day dreaming.

"Y/n?" A voice said making them jump slightly. Turning over to the voice, they saw the one and only America.

"What are you doing here? I was worried sick about you! Why didn't you have you're phone with you?" He asked, Y/n quickly put their hands on their pockets. Nope, no phone there. "...I guess I forgot it.." they said quietly.

"Why are you here? Did something happen Y/n? Are you okay?" He asked, Y/n shook their head. "I honestly don't know what happened... I just ran out here." Titling their head to the side, America walked over to Y/n before sitting down next to them.

"You don't have to tell me, it's fine. ...she rejected me." He spoke. Y/n's eyes went wide, "S-she did? Why?" Turning to their friend, "She didn't tell me why, she just said that something didn't feel right, so I left. That's about it."


"Are... are you okay?" Y/n asked. 'I should be happy, this is what I wanted deep down... right?' They thought. "I'm fine, if shes not ready then I won't try and force it."

'Is this what I wanted? No, this isn't how this is meant to go! He's supposed to be happy with f/n.. this isn't what I want! Not anymore, he looks so upset.' Y/n's mind was racing. "Hey, you good dude? It's no sweat, really."  Y/n went tence, "I just want you to be happy with her, that's all... I wish I knew why she said no.." Slowly getting lost in thought, 'Did.. did she know..?' Those words were the words Y/n didn't want to think about at all but it still happened.

"Let's get you home, you're soaked dude. How long have you been out here anyway?" Y/n had to think for a moment as the two started to walk, "Maybe since six?(18:00) I don't know really but around then." America stopped "Really?! It's been like four hours! You're gonna get sick." Y/n was actually slightly surprised, "four hours..? You've gotta be kidding."

Tiiimmmeee skip!

Soon the two made their way to  Y/n's house. "You wanna come in?" Y/n asked turning to look at their dear friend. "I don't know, you should probably get some rest, I'll come over tomorrow probably." "Aw, okay." Y/n pulled her keys out of her pocket "'s not locked actually.. I uh, went inside to make sure you were alright after you didn't answer my texts after an hour and a half.." "oh, that's okay." Y/n said with a smile before walking inside, "Text you tomorrow morning, ok?" They said "Yea, sure. Text you then" America smiled before turning to walk away.

As Y/n walked into their house they saw their phone, picked it up and saw multiple messages.

About four from America and three from F/n.. I wonder what she wants. Taping on the message, Y/n started to read it.

F/n💖: Hey, I know that you have a thing for the oil boy. He just confessed to me, I said no.

F/n💖: If you don't tell him today then I'll tell him tomorrow.

F/n💖: America said you weren't at home, are you okay? Like I said, you better tell him b4 I do.

Y/n: I'm fine and I'll tell him

.... message seen

I put my phone in my pocket and booked it outside
"Ame wait, wait, wait!" Y/n yelled.
Surprisingly he wasn't that far away, he turned to her. "What's wrong?" Before he could say more they pulled their phone out and showed him the texts, not being able to from the words to tell him. "Wait, what." Y/n just nodded and looked away, waiting for a "it's a little too soon for this" or "I'd like me too hahaha." But what they didn't expect was a "I mean, alright. I'm cool with it. So you wanna like, go on a date or somethin?" For Y/n time was so close to stopping as they processed his words. "Wait really? You're okay with it..? But I thought you liked f/n." "Yea, I mean I do but I like you more. Wait, that sounded bad. Shoot." Y/n pulled him into a hug, pretty happy.
"Its fine, you're just not good with words."

I had no idea how to end this ngl. Also, wanted to get this off my mind, the plot was originally a dream that I kept having so I hope that this it stops. XD

Edit: Did I end up posting this then taking it down? Wtf, this isnt that bad. And I'm still a county human/ Hetalia fan.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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