Ivan looked at his surroundings as the bus pulled up to his new home, New York City asylum. He'd never seen one in person, he used to be very good at masking his mental issues but he wasn't always in control so that proved to be difficult. The sun setting behind the piece of architecture causing it to be a pretty purplish blue color outside.The building itself was rater large and a gloomy grey, just what you'd expect to see, the windows also looked barred, they must have jumpers here also; or people dangerous enough to take precautions. The van stopped at the door of the place the doorway seeming to loom over Ivan and the driver unlocked the back seat area with the controls up front, Ivan looked out of the doors window only to be greeted by multiple guards of course there was already the people that worked there waiting for Ivan to get out so they could escort him. Being the dangerous type that he was they'd have to watch him carefully.
The blue eye'd blonde and also the smallest of the group of people was the first to walk up to the larger man, not hesitantly at all. Like he'd seen worse, which was frankly frightening to think about. But then again did he actually know what happened, most likely, but not the whole story. No one did.
"Hello my name is Alfred, they told me you were Ivan." the blonde stretched his hand out to retrieve Ivan's in his own.
"Yes hello, nice to meet you Alfred." Ivan smiled off put by the smaller mans kindness to such a person. Looked Alfred over once. "I'm guessing you know my name Дa?" Ivan tilted his head.
"Yes I in fact do, you were ordered to be picked up and to be watched carefully, you don't look to dangerous to me, but looks can be deceiving. We have to introduce you to the gen pop they will be informed about your level of danger then you should socialize. All of our guests get the benefit of the doubt." Alfred hummed motioning for Ivan to follow him inside.
Ivan nodded and followed the new person like a lost puppy, feeling a bit crest fallen, it'd be hard to make friends if everyone knew just how dangerous he could be. Alfred didn't look worried to be around Ivan although. His purple eyes scanned Alfred over for a second time looking at him suspiciously.
"You are not afraid of me?" He raised an eyebrow trying to assess Alfred's face, which remained un wavered.
Alfred tilted his head giving Ivan a weird look "Of course I am." he paused for a moment. "But there's nothing I can do about it this is my job, and you don't seem as bad as your file says. Even though it looks like it's not the full story. which is what worries me, what's so bad that they are not telling the nurses."
Ivan couldn't help but frown, he didn't really want to talk about it, the picture was crystal clear in his head he was forced to relive it all the time, the blood running through his fingertips, their screams of terror and pain how they begged for mercy. Ivan shook the memory out of his head, snapping back to reality.
"Yeah...." Ivan said after he realized he had not responded.
Alfred shrugged turning at a corner in the hall revealing where all of the rest of the patients were. Some seemed completely unresponsive like they lived in their own world, actually they probably did.
"Hello everyone! This is our new friend Ivan! He is very dangerous like many of you, everyone be nice and try and be friends." Alfred called out into the room. Some rushed towards him, others looked like they understood but could care less, as said earlier the others stayed in their private worlds.
Ivan braces himself to have people all around him. Stiffening his posture and slightly closing his eyes. But refusing to back down from any thing, it was an instinct that seemed to get him into a lot of trouble.
Unfortunately he felt someone scratching to get out in his head, it was one of the more "excite able" personalities, they did no harm but it wasn't the time.
People poked and prodded at the tall new person among themselves. Light muttering came from multiple humans that had no idea what personal space was. Ivan heard a few "I wonder what he did if they had to announce he was dangerous to all of us." Ivan cringed, ouch.
But he needed to settle in and not freak these other patients out. Could Alfred help him was the question, most of the time he had a good grip on control but there was always times when they were stronger than him. This was not one of those times, he said no and the one scratching at the wall listened backing off.
After everyone seemed bored Alfred turned "Follow me to your room." he walked down another uniformed hallway, they all looked them same. Hopefully Ivan wouldn't get lost later on.
Ivan hummed and followed Alfred down the corridor to his new home a boring room that was a light grey with a desk that was bolted to the floor in a corner and a small twin bed sitting in the opposite corner. He sighed not all to happy with the living down grade but at least he wasn't in jail he guessed,even though he certainly deserved it, he shrugged and sat on his bed. He'd want to make so art to help the room have more life, he loved plants sunflowers especially they were beautiful and almost had a life of their own, they craved sunlight and move towards it. He thought he should probably talk to the person standing in his door way.
Alfred told Ivan that he needed to settle in and not be smothered by attention, He nodded in agreement the asked if he could draw, if he was allowed to have some pencils and paper to draw, it calmed him down. Alfred nodded happily leaving for a few moment and coming back with a sketch book and some pencils.
"If you need these sharpened later you'll have to ask, sorry but the razor in the sharpener is too risky to give patients." Alfred told him, handing Ivan the supplies.
"Дa that is fine, if they need to be sharpened I will ask. Thank you." Ivan hummed setting down the items at his desk. Then sitting on his bed.
"Well if you need anything be sure to ask!" Alfred called already walking away down the hall and back to the common room.
Alfred sat in the lobby dumbstruck he knew the he had a problem with loving risk and taking chances, this new guy was going to cause him problems, especially with how easy on the eyes he was.
"What beautiful lavender eyes." Alfred sighed before falling back in one of the chairs in the main room. Gaining a few crooked glances
FanfictionIvan is a mental health patient in a asylum that Alfred works in, Ivan was placed there for multiple personality disorder one of his many personalities tends to have a malicious side, which caused Ivan to be charged with attempted murder but since h...