Hearts And Hooves Day; Part 4: Appledash

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My favorite ship ^_^

I hope you guise like it...

~_~_Convo between Dash and AJ~_~_

AwesomeASF: Happy Valentine's day babe ;)

ILikeApples: awww! Thank you sugarcube

AwesomeASF: I was just wondering...

ILikeApples: yess?

AwesomeASF: If you'd like to come over today...

ILikeApples: Sure! Of course!

AwesomeASF: really Jacky?

ILikeApples: yeah! I'll be there at 5

AwesomeASF: you can stay overnight if you want.

ILikeApples: Okay that sounds fine and dandy. Do I need to bring my sleepin bag?

AwesomeASF: we could sleep in my bed. Its pretty big

ILikeApples: oh


ILikeApples: naw, your bed is fine :)


Well, that made me more depressed :/




So much.


I went to this dance last Friday. The SweetHarts dance.


I wasn't going to go originally, but then my friend forced me too. Then poof. I was there.


It made me feel lonely :/

And a dude asked me out eme

Wut is dis shiet

Why do peeps like meh

Stahp eht

I dun deserve dem feelz

And why can't it be ferd? Jeez!

I can get a dude on the internet to fall in love with me, assorted other online dudes to become obsessively interested, some people at school to like me, but I can't get one measly nerd to give me a chance.

Not that I wanted all those things to happen. They kinda happened without warning, and without me lifting a finger.

Maybe that's my problem. Maybe I'm trying too hard.

Maybe I should give up. For a while.


Find someone better.


What if there's no one better?

There has to be. There always is.



Dear Heart,

Please do me a favor and get over him. I know you can. You've done it before. Go try out the new cuisine. Check out new people. Forget about him. There are others. Others that are much better, and would probably love being part of you. Just, don't stick to the same person for too long. I know you can't do that for relationships. I know you get bored and needy. Well, go find someone else to love. Someone who will accept that love, and maybe even give some back. That perfect person is probably standing right in front of you. Except, you're just too blind by things that aren't worth your time to notice them.



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