He's Gone Missing!

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Heyo peeps! :3

I made a new friend!

And I'm tired! I want to go to sleep!

My Immortal, Evanescence.

Think of these as the same chat itself. So if someone leaves at a previous one, they'd have to be added in again for the next one. But each one is a new day with a new plot and blah blah blah.

And they don't have wings and horns. Xc I know I wish they did. But that's not how this would work.

Enjoy ^_^


*PinkIsLyfe added AnimalLover4 to the conversation*


Celestia's#1: Nope. Sorry Pinkie.

AnimalLover4: I had my animals do a search party. They're still looking.

ILikeApples: Winona couldn't find his trail. Sorry Pinkie Pie.

AwesomeASF: I searched everywhere and flew everywhere. Nothing

ImAShowKid: What's going on ?-?

PinkIsLyfe: GUMMY IS MISSING! HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-;

RarIsGorg18: Artea, you were with your boyfriend and we didn't want to interrupt anything

ImAShowKid: Guys. He's been my boyfriend for ONE day. And this is much more important.

ILikeApples: You saying my brother ain't important

ImAShowKid: No! I'm saying I can hang out with him whenever! And we were just talking! Gummy is gone NOW. I could've helped!

Celestia's#1: Its alright Artea. We just need to focus on where Gummy could be. Let's ignore where we have already searched. Those places are irrelevant.

AnimalLover4: But we searched everywhere...


Yeah yeah I know its short.

I have a life y'know. I'm not going to waste it all on pony-fics.



So I went to Sadie's :P

Unlike what my mother said, the dance was not a hoedown. It was a turnup.

And I looked perdy. Jus saying.

Tambrie, Alex, and a bunch of my peeps were there. Some of them from other social groups.

It was SO FUN.




They had the hiphop, and the rap, and the mexican music.

I got twerked on >.< ...

That was some awkward shit.

Someone sang to someone else. It was a dude. He could do better.


So I felt lonely and sad.

Yep yep.

It would've been nice if I couldve went with a guy ;-;

I wore heels. That is the first time I have ever legitely worn heels. I swear. I'm in fucking HS.

Well it was fun. The food they had was pretty good.

The music was alright. But they needed to be more rounded.

There were dance and rap battles. They were cool.

Everyone looked so nice. Everyone.

I bet some people were suprised I was there. Since I'm such a nerd.



Really though.

The heels I wore were actually Tam's XD

(Sad asf)

Yeah. This whole thing is making up for my journal. I'm having withdrawals.

So let's talk about how the whole last Monday thing went.

(Changing shit so this doesn't happen again)

I talked to Dollie. She was mad because her relative read my shit and became confused.

And I guess I supposedly talked a lot of shit in there.

Mostly about Wannabe. Because of Chowder.


And of course Satan thought it was totally amazing that I had a specific part in the last chapter about him.


And you share that chapter with at least 10 other people.

Aren't you special.

And I asked Dollie why she took the screenshots.

Because yes, she screenshotted everything. Everything she wanted.

She screenshotted it because (quote quote), 'Its for security.'

Yeah yeah.

So what if I *bleep bleeped* at some point? Is that any of her business? And my *bleep bleep bleeeeeep* me.


So yeah.

But my question is, If its for security, then why did you screenshot the stuff about GB? Is THAT for security too? To show my feelings to the cops?



And also, if its for security, then you shouldn't be showing people, should you?

ARE YOU TRYING TO SEND MY *bleeper* (singular) TO JAIL?!?!?!?!?!?!

dafaq bruh.

So, I think her explanation is bullshit. But I'm not going to let her think that.

So if those fuckheads decide to do some snooping, and they look in here, I am now screwed.


The fuckheads being everyone. Not just Dollie.

Oh yeah, and Coffee had no problem whatsoever.

I think Dessert lied to me at some point.

She said Wannabe talked shit.

Like, bad shit.

Did she really?

And she said Coffee was mad ASF.

She wasn't. She was perfectly fine.

So I'm doubting Dessert right now.


In conclusion, that situation is cleared up. So now I'm just me. Technically, and not technically single.

And I went to Sadie's with Catty instead of GB. Which deeply saddened me.

And my friend Anime's date to go backed out the day before.


So yeah. Bye.

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