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A/n: Please make sure to read at least the first 3 parts of my story "PJM | Temptation in the Dark | Jimin x Reader (female)" to understand the concept of the story as this is just serving as different POV/choice of "boyfriend".


After wandering through a strange door in the Musée du Louvre, I wound up in an even time world ruled by a crescent moon - certainly, it'd cast its spell on me tonight. I'd just woken up from an impossible dream.

...Bitten by a vampire.

The dream was so real, too.

It was the second too-real dream I've had since arriving here. I finished telling the butler, Jisung, my story.

"...Just like a vampire would. Dreams can be so realistic, even when they're about the most unbelievable things."

Jisung was quiet now, and I wondered if he was tired of me prattling on.

My heart skipped a beat. I felt cold. I haven't been myself all night. Must be this place.

"This Place" being Paris, France, at the turn of the 19th century.

I'd unwittingly time-travelled by way of that strange door, and now I couldn't return to my time for a month. However, I wasn't the only time-traveller. The likes of Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok lived here too... or so they claimed.

"Mademoiselle, all of the residents are exactly what you saw in your dream. They're all vampires."

It was the first night of my month-long stay, and I've had enough surprises for a lifetime - so don't even try to tell me they're vampires on top of all that! Unless you want to test the limits of the human mind. Mine is tested enough, thank you. But some sleep will help me recover.

"Thank you for the water, Jisung. I should be getting back to bed." - "(Y/n), wait. That wasn't a joke-" - "By Jove, you two are still awake?"

The spiritedly clip of oxford heels announced his entry into the kitchen.

"...Jimin, right?"

The famous mystery writer, and creator of Sherlock Holmes: Sir Park Jimin.

"Remembered my name, did you? Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant." - "I'd say it was forced into my memory. Much like how you appear to be forcing yourself into my personal space-?" - "Done on purpose, I assure you."

He's not easily daunted, is he?

"Sir Jimin, were you out... playing around... again?" - "Yes? There's nothing wrong with wanting a little dessert after supper. I couldn't get a bite though. That is to say, I couldn't find a single lovely moppet to bite."

'Dessert'? 'Bite'?

Jimin was just being figurative about his romantic exploits, or so I assumed. He had to have been. He looked at Jisung.

"Fetch me a bottle, Jisung? I'm a bit peckish after that expenditure of romantic energy, and don't fancy going to bed hungry." - "One moment."

Jisung moved about the kitchen. He returned with a beautiful glass decanter, filled with a thick, dark red liquid.

"...What is that? Wine? Tomato juice?" - "Oh, she doesn't know?" - "I was trying to explain when you came in. She seems to think I was joking." - "Jisung, I'm surprised at you. Even you didn't take it on faith at first."

I don't like they way they're talking.

My heart beat faster now. Faster. Faster - Ba-DUMP. Ba-DUMP. Like an alarm bell.

KSJ | Temptation in the Dark | Seokjin x Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now