Ch-1 One Night Stand

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(This is an AU so please don't come at me saying stuff like "That's not cannon!" Thanks❤)

Hajime's P.O.V.

I was finishing up with cleaning the shop since it was my turn to lock up and head home for the weekend but when I locked up I saw my boss Miss. Sonia standing in the front of her limo moving her finger directing me to come to her, I ran over to her with my work clothes still on and my bag half way falling off my shoulder she gave me a slight smile and then spoke "Hinata sorry If I bothered you but theirs something I wanna give you before you head out for the weekend!" This caught me off guard because Sonia has never really talked to me about anything outside of work and her having a gift for me was even weirder but she's overall a good person so it can't be bad, right?..."Oh no your never a bother ma'am but a gift? For me?" I replied with a nerves laugh following after, she hands me a small bag and a little bear pen with a small note attached to it "Yes, this is a gift from me for working so hard and always helping others in the shop when their having trouble so I guess you could say its an appreciation gift" she says this with a happy look which made it impossible to refuse so I had to take it "Thank you Sonia I'm glad to be working with you!" Knowing someone gave me a gift for being helpful actually made me kind of happy and caused me to blush slightly but I'm glad Sonia didn't notice. We said goodbye as she drove off and I began to walk home since I only live about 15 minutes away from our Coffee shop and it was a nice day so I'd be a waste to just drive my way unlike Chaiki I actually pay attention to what's around me, I giggled to myself as I though to myself how Chaiki would always forget how she was outside from playing a video game or just spacing out about food or something.

-The Next Day-

I get waken up by the sound of my phone alarm going off or that's what I though turns out it was a phone call from Chaiki, I pick up the phone and sat up on my bed "Hello...?" I say with a tried voice and a yawn "Hey Hinata...You're just waking up, Its already 12 dude" I heard her say in her teasing voice, I laughed a bit and got off my bed to get some clothes ready for my shower "Yeah Yeah I know I overslept~ Anyways you don't usually call me unless you have something important to tell me, What's up?" I asked, "Well I'm doing a sleep over tonight with Ibuki and one of her friends she's known for awhile I was wondering if you wanted to join us since I know you have nothing to do, Plus this friend of theirs might be single~" Chaiki says laughing "Hphm! You know good and well I probably won't be into them...also if Ibuki knows them they are probably noisy and a party animal as well..." I'm not a very loud person and neither is Chaiki but Ibuki is the complete opposite she loves parties and drinking she can also get really loud sometimes or more like just screams out of nowhere, Of course I have no grudge against her since she's my friend and all but I don't think I could date anyone like her, Chaiki then speaks up "Hehe, Yeah I knew you'd say that but will you come I don't wanna feel alone if her and her friend knock themselves out" I agreed and Chaiki hung up as I began to undress and start the shower.

Once I finished showering I had lots of time left and decide I'd head over to Chaiki's around 6 and it was only 12:30...I got my Nintendo switch and play a few movies and games as I waited and just like it was 5:50 that was enough time to get my stuff ready and eat something before I left, Now all I got to do is get to her house.

Chaiki's P.O.V.

I was sitting on my floor petting my cat oogami, then I heard the doorbell ring I knew it was Mioda since Hajime's never in a rush for parties as I opened the door Ibuki squeezes me tightly "CHAI IM SO EXCITED!!!!!"... "Hm... Ibuki please don't be so loud your gonna scare my cat..." I say looking over her shoulder to one? Ibuki looks at me and than looks back out the door "Hpm! Nagitooo!! Come on you said you'd join us!" she says as she storms out the door dragging a pretty tall guy back in with her, she then points to him "This is Nagito Komaeda he's works in the same company as me"...Nagito smiles gently and then he speaks to me "Nice to meet you Chaiki, I've heard lots about you from Ibuki" to my surprise he actually had a very quite and calming voice but not gonna lie he did dress like a homeless man...Of course I didn't say that to him tho "Yes nice to meet you to Nagito, Do you like any games?", "Yes! I love Minecraft, Super Smash Bros, Mario cart, and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening!" He says this very excitedly which honestly sounds like me but my gamer girl took over and I screamed back "OMG! Really!? Let's go play some of them while we wait for Hinata!", Ibuki looks over at us and smiles as she's making a drink and says "Okay sounds fun!"

Hajime's P.O.V.

Chaiki texted me some information about the other guy Ibuki brought and she's told me he's very tall, has white hair, and green eyes, and he seems to be into gaming...He seems like a hot guy...and nice...No! what am I thinking I've never met him why am I calling him hot!?!? As I knock on the door I couldn't hear anything which meant they where in the back, I was about to use my spear key but that's when that guy named Nagito opened the door "Ah!" I yelped at his sudden appearance shocked me since I've never seen him before, he giggle and smiled at my reaction to him opening the door "Are you always like that?" he asked letting me inside "N-No! I've just never seen you here before so it caught me off guard when you opened the door sorry." I place my bag down and hang up my coat as I say this to him avoiding eye contact for while but then he holds out his hand "I'm Nagito by the way I'm sorry I scared you Hinata..." His voice was soft...and he didn't seem to be like the party type so I started to question how he became friends with Ibuki but..."Oh! You can call me Hajime, And its nice to meet you Nagito" I shook his hand and It caused me to blush a bit and he obviously notice because he decided to take my hand and take me to the back where the girls were. Once we got to the door he let go of my hand as I was blood red I quickly looked away and held my hand close to my chest. "Sorry I didn't have permission but they were waiting Hinata" He says with a small grin "Hm...Like I said just call me Hajime." I say looking back at him as we walk into the room.

-Hours later (12AM)-

Nagito's P.O.V.

Everyone's pretty much drunk to their limit... I'm personally not a heavy drinker so I only drunk a little so I was fine but a few seconds later Ibuki had fallen asleep causing her to almost fall off the table but I caught her in time so she was just leaning over my shoulder at this point..." N-Na-Nagito...Can ywo putt hwr on the bwhd?" I heard Chaiki manage to somewhat say, I laid Ibuki down on Chaiki's bed and removed my jacket to place it over her as I was doing this Chaiki had picked up Hajime and was trying to get him to wake up I'm guessing. "Here I'll take care of him" I say as I take Hajime's arm and place it over my shoulder holding the rest of his weight on my side, to my surprise he wasn't to heavy, Chaiki then tried to speak again removing her headphones and rubbing her eyes "There's... A ugh There's another rowm yro can sleep in" pointing to the room across the the hallway. "Thanks Chaiki goodnight" I say as I shut the door behind me, as me and Hajime enter the next room...I Instantly get pinned to the ground by Hinata..."Hinata!?! A-Are you alrig-.." before I could finish that sentences all I could see was Hajime's face completely red and him unbuttoning his shirt on top of me, "H-Hi-Hinata!" I shout at him blushing and holding his shirt together as he looks at me as if he's disappointed "Hm~ I wanna play Nagi~~!" He says laying on my chest, It's oblivious he's drunk... but in the position we're in I can't move without it turning back on me, as I was lost in my thoughts Hinata places one of his hands on the middle of my pants and the other on the outside of my leg as he's in the middle of both of them...this caused me to almost faint of embarrassment but then he looks me in the eyes and say "I'm not taking no for an answer~" and one thing lead to another....

-The Next Day-

Hajime's P.O.V.

I wake up to what seemed to be the guest room in Chaiki's house but my back hurt like hell...and that's when I sat up and looked over to see Nagito...Completely naked Nagito...And I noticed our clothes were all over the floor...than reality hit me...I quickly got the sheet off the bed and hid in the corner all i could think was ..."No, No, No...!", "That didn't happen right...please make this be a dream!", "I did not just have sex with this guy!" Then I heard that voice again... "Hinata...?!" Nagito say's a bit scared I'm guessing he's realized what had happened to I couldn't look at him I Just looked away and began to cry, He got dressed and walked over to me "I'm so so sorry Hinata...I couldn't stop you nor myself..." Nagito says this with that calm voice again but hugs me tightly I hug him back and cry into his shoulder for about 10 minutes...All I had to say was "It was a one night stand..."

To be continued....

End of time...(Hajime x Nagito Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now