Chapter 9- Mistakes

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"And so basically after that I was like we should all go to Party and sing there but they all said that was embarrassing, I was like how is that embarrassing and the guy went "Yes it's embarrassing because of all the people." And at that point I just thought he was dumb cause like not all parties have like a million people ya know! Like when we all had our little sleepover party it was only four of us and we still had fun! We should-! Ahem-!" Ibuki was rambling on about some band thing she had gone through but she wasn't able to finish that story thanks to another random coughing attack, Chaiki patted her head and stood up dusting her skirt off "Alright, That's enough storytelling from you Ibuki let me get you some water" Chaiki made her way out of the room and Ibuki kinda just slumped down laying on a giant squid mellow thing, Nagito was leaning up against the headboard and I was laying next to him facing Ibuki . "Well, I think embarrassment is a very common thing even when its a small group, Sometimes Social situations just get to your head "Nagito chuckled to himself and me and Ibuki just looked at him but My eyes were starting to hurt and so I closed them curling into a ball slightly, I'm starting to think I should actually use my eye drops but I seriously hate them and so I'm not going to. "Ah, Hinata are you tired?" Nagito asked, I could feel him wrapping his arms underneath me too but I didn't bother to respond and so he just picked me up and I looked at him "No, My eyes just hurt since they were opened so long? I think?" He gave me a confused look for a second and then he proceeded to smile pulling me closer to his chest. "You two are really gay ya know, That's adorable though so happy pride month-!" Ibuki yelled, She really isn't thinking straight right now... "I'm back, Here's your water Ibuki maybe you should get some more rest by the way..." Chaiki came back handing Ibuki a bottle of water and leaning up against the wall with her arms crossed, I'm kinda distracted by Nagito's body at the moment...his clothes are almost as soft as his hair and I really like his heartbeat that sounds kinda weird but it is the truth I really love everything about Nagito

Me and Nagito ended up leaving not too long after that, Ibuki fell asleep and Chaiki decided it'd be better if she stayed with her to make sure her fever goes down. I looked over at Nagito to see him looking out into the distance again I think I've come to notice that Nagito spaces out a lot and he's extremely pretty...Is it weird to call a guy pretty? "Hey Hinata, Do you drink ?" Nagito asked turning his attention to me instantly, It kinda creeped me out not gonna lie "Uhm yeah, I'm just a lightweight if you couldn't tell by the first time we met" I said smiling at him, He actually blushed and turned away from me I think that memory really makes him feel guilty or something though I already forgave him it's kinda cute... "Y-Yeah right uhm why don't we get a drink or two, then we can maybe watch a movie at your place?" He suggested taking my hand into his...It's probably not a good idea for me to drink but it's not like the same thing will happen twice anyways so I'll set a limit for myself this time just to be a little safer-

Nagito's P.O.V
Currently, I'm starting to second guess why I suggested to drink with Hinata-Kun...It's been about an hour and I can tell he's definitely drunk already I guess he really is a lightweight. "Naaggii-ttoooo, what color is the skyyy?" Hinata asked, laying down on the floor and slowly turning his gaze onto me, It's cute to see him like this but this time it's different...I gave him a soft smile as I ran my fingers through his hair "It can be many colors depending on the sun but mainly blue Hinata" after saying that I picked up a book I had been reading earlier and continued where I left off. Today's been great so far, After we went to see Ibuki me and Hinata-Kun did go out to get some drinks to bring back home but I also found pajamas in both our sizes so of course I had to buy it, Hinata was against it because he was afraid it'd be to tight on him mainly his chest but still, and so, in the end, he didn't get one but I did which made me really happy. After about another 10 minutes or so Hinata actually got quiet and so I was going to check on him but before I could he had grabbed onto my waist and was laughing for some reason, I was holding my book above my head so I could see him better and it is definitely confirmed he's long gone now...Hajime really is adorable. "Nagitoo! We should go see my family as you said, I wanna show you off you're so prettyyyyy" Hajime mumbled looking up at me, I don't think I'll be able to handle this much longer and I really don't want to make the same mistake again but the way he's acting isn't exactly helping me...And so I just let out a low laugh, I really need to get a little more self-control when it comes to Hinata. "Thank you for thinking I'm pretty Hinata, I'd love to meet your, family, as well...But maybe you should sober up a bit before you make that decision.." I said placing my book back down, Hinata let go of my waist and made his way on top of me again...this is giving me extremely embarrassing flashbacks... "I was...I ams sober I can callz them now I just..." before Hinata could finish that sentence he was asleep. THANK GOD HE FELL ASLEEP I WAS ABOUT TO LOSE ALL CONTROL I HAD.

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