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"You were so late to breakfast," Sasha says while pushing around bits of food around her plate with her fork. "Where were you?"

You briefly consider telling her the truth because she's your closest friend, but you decide against it. You don't want Sasha to think you're sleeping with your superior. You don't want to lose her respect. And, Niccolo's in the room. You're friends with Niccolo but you're definitely not close enough to him to tell him about your sex life.

You're in the kitchen, sitting by the stove at a small wooden table with Sasha and having leftovers. You'd waken up in Levi's bed alone. You're relieved that he hadn't awakened you; you wouldn't have known how to face him in the light of day. Even more relieving is the fact that it had stopped snowing last night. You hope that you would be able to leave the castle soon.

You don't want to think about what had happened between you and Levi last night. You can't even believe that it had all happened: the things he said, the way he touched you. You're a tightly wound ball of tension and want, itching to be touched by him again. A small, irrational part of you prays that you'll have another encounter with Levi.

You'd been so close last night. . .

"You okay?" Sasha's voice pulls you out of your recollection.

You blink. "Went to the cellar to do a morning workout. I lost track of time."

The lie comes out too easily.

"Look at you, staying fit," she teases. Though her tone is light, her expression is sullen. She continues to push her potato wedges around her plate. Every once in a while her eyes flit to Niccolo and back to her food.

Though you're relieved that Sasha hadn't noticed you'd lied, you're worried for Sasha. She loves potatoes; her lack of appetite is extremely out of the ordinary.

Niccolo notices her dispiritedness. He keeps staring at Sasha and looking away quickly, like he's intentionally trying to avoid looking at her.

After a drawn out silence, he mumbles: "There's leftovers in the fridge."

Sasha merely shoots a glare at him.

"No thanks," Sasha answers curtly. "I'm full."

You don't know if you're mistaken but it seems like the two are upset with one another.

You're confused. Sasha and Niccolo usually got along very well. They're very close, actually. You wonder if it has anything to do with the last few days. You recall Niccolo's strange behavior when you told him about Connie's bet.

"Hey." Connie's head pops into the doorway. He's carrying a pile of empty dishes.

Sasha brightens immediately. "Hey. Do you need help with that?"

"It's fine, I got it." He places them in the sink neatly. "Do you want me to wash that for you?" He notions to Sasha's plate.

Sasha looks down at the remnants of her unwanted food and hands it to Connie.

He frowns. "You're not going to finish this?"

She shrugs. "Didn't want it anymore."

"Do you want me to make us a potato cereal?" Connie offers her.

Back when you all were still trainees, Sasha and Connie had come up with a meal called 'potato cereal', a dish that consisted of mashed potatoes and chunks of bread.

"That sounds good," she smiles at him.

"Do you guys want?" Connie asks you and Niccolo. You shake your head no.

Cabin Fever | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now