The task

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At malfoy manor summer to 6th year.  draco is in his room laying in his bed as always. Thinking about hermione's beautifull smile her brown curly hair and her deep chocolet brown eyes. Stop thinken bout her draco she's ut a stupid mudblood! told draco his self. As he walked trough the hallways of the manor to his father. it is pure cold there because of the stone walls,                            the moodless stuff like black white paintings of the old blood line of the malfoys. their house were so pure and cold as the blood line of the family. Father you wanted to speek to me said. Yes draco....the dark lord has a task for you. What isit father said draco with fear in his eyes. BRING US THE MUDBLOOD!!!! Father no! ¨a silence came before his dad ¨ NO MORE TALKING DRACO BRING US GRANGER!  y-yes father.... said draco holding back is tears. He walks  crying quitely back to his readdy to let all his tears out. draco walks in his room and screams 'WHY HER WHY WHY THE GIRL THAT I LOVE SINCE FIRST YEAR!!! His mom narcissa malfoy saw him crying in his room and sceaming. sweety what 's wrong what happend. Draco looks at his mom with tears in his eyes and says¨im sorry mom but i fell hard for a muggle born and dad father wants me to give her to the dark lord.... Don't be sorry sweety you  can't do anything about your love life, but who is this girl may i ask? Its  hermionegranger. what did you say hun.Draco took a eep breath an said hermione granger the best friend of harry potter and ron weasley. That girl is really sweet hunny she helped me in te book store, oh and i won't tell your father. Thanks mom said draco. Well let's get dinner and make your suitecase for hogwarts tomorrow. No problem mom. when draco was done he walked downstairs to grab some dinner before bed. Omggg mom you maked my favourite food i love you so much!!!!. Draco call her mother your such a disrespectfull child! said lucius. That's enough lucius he can call me mom! ¨lucius storms off¨

after dinner. Mom im going to read for a bit  and then im going to bed! Okay hunny, oh and i have a tip wride about your girl how she is and stuff *winks* . Thanks mom goodnight!  goodnight sweetheart! ¨draco runs upstairs*

*hey guys i will upload once  week mostly on tueseday so stay tuned and also lets some tips dowm below!!! love ya'll <3*

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