Adventures in Doctorsitting pt. 1

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"Okay, so I think that's everything", Agent Stone says as he hands you a small notebook filled with the notes he's written for you.

He spent the previous day showing you everything you would need to know in order to be the Dr.'s new assistant. Today is your first day alone and you were nervous about the whole thing. Not only that you would mess something up, but also that you would anger Dr. Robotnik.

"I know you're gonna do great, Y/N", Stone continues."If anything happens, call me immediately."

You thank him and he leaves, waving goodbye. You put the notebook in your back pocket and walk through the hallway. You glance at each door, trying to calm your mind. As you reach the end of the hallway, you see a stairwell. You go down the stairs, your heart beat rapidly getting faster as you descend.

When you get to the bottom you look at the single metal door in front of you. It has a single small glass window where a blue light shines through before going out. You walk to the door and knock, feeling a pool of fear fill your tummy.

Dr. Robotnik groans inside, stomping towards the door. He yanks it open and looks down at you, visibly annoyed.

"What do you want?"

"Good morning, Dr. Robotnik. I'm here to check in and see if you need me for anything", you say in the sweetest voice you can muster despite your nervousness.

"Don't you have phones to answer? I have Stone to help me", he says as he leans against the door.

"Well, Agent Stone isn't here...he said he's going to be gone this week."

"Oh...right, I forgot about that", Dr. Robotnik scoffs. "Well, you can get me a latte. You should know what I want." The Dr. gives you a smirk before slamming the door.

You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in and run back up the stairs. You walk into the breakroom and begin to start making the latte. You carefully read Stone's instructions as you make it.

As you pour the liquid into a coffee cup, some of it spills onto your skin and you wince. You finish pouring and put the lid on the cup, heading out of the room.

Once you reach his lab door you knock, biting your lip due to the throbbing pain in your finger. Dr. Robotnik opens the door and stares down at the cup in your hands. He let's out a "hmm" before grabbing the cup, hurting your finger in the process.

You wince slightly as he takes a loud, long sip of the drink. He looks at the latte contemplative before looking at you.

"Not too bad, rookie. Decent job." He begins to leave before he takes notice of you clutching your finger. "What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing, just spilled some coffee on my finger. I'm okay." You give him a strained smile and turn to walk away. He groans and grabs your shoulder.

"Ugh, come inside, I have a first aid kit in here." You nod and follow him inside.

Inside, there were bots lined all along the walls. He had a huge desk cluttered with various items - papers, tools, etc. There were big blue holographic screens where different equations and words were spalshed across, and you didn't even try to understand them. There was also two doors, but you weren't about to find out where they lead to.

The Dr. sets his drink on his desk, walking over to a shelving unit that's stuffed to max capacity with books and papers. He carefully pulls out a first aid kit and walks to you.

He takes your finger in his hand, inspecting it. He mutters something to himself before digging into the kit. He pulls out a small packet of what you assume to be a gel to help your burn. He applies the gel to your finger and wraps a band-aid around it.

"It really isn't that bad, but this is so you won't squeal and say I didn't help you", he says flatly. He puts the kit back where it came from and turns to look at you, seeing that you're gazing at his current project.

It's another robot, ofc, but it's not in the shape of his other bots. This one is a sleek black color and is a square instead of his usual egg shape.

"Miss L/N, what does this look like to you?" You think, not sure if there's supposed to be a right answer.

" square?"

"Ugh, no, that is a wrong answer. Of course, it looks like a black square", he moans. He walks closer and picks up the bot, showing that it looks the same on all sides. "It looks like a black cube. A black cube with tinted glass dark enough so that no one can see the camera hidden inside. A black cube that  can detonate given the right command. A black cube that may look like a 'black square', but can disguise itself in any dark corner of any home! A black cube that can have 200 pounds dropped on it and not break! A cube that will help me find that dumb hedgehog's weaknesses and then take his power and become completely invincible!" As he speaks, he gets more loud and intense. By the time he's done, he's panting and looking at the robot in awe.

You awkwardly look at him before giving him a hesitant clap. He snaps his head around to look at you, a quizzical look on his face before smiling widely, and evil glint shining in his eye.

"Mhm, yes! Applaud me! I don't need it but I want it!" You clap louder as he laughs, doing a small victory dance. He then suddenly stops and holds a finger up at you, signalling you to be quiet. You stop and give him your full attention, anticipating what he's going to say next.

"Miss L/N?"

"Yes Dr. Robotnik?" He gives a sly smile after you say his name.

"Go upstairs and make sure all calls are directed to the answering machine and put the "closed" sign on the door. I have things I want you for." You nod and scurry out of his lab.

"Jesus, this man is...intense!", you think to yourself.

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