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"i'm feeling kinda jittery," shotaro's hands were shaking while they were walking their way to the shooting range behind the house after a hearty lunch. "i'm still kinda scared about holding guns."

"we all went through that phase." sungchan turned to the anxious male, "its not easy, but we'll take a few steps at a time, okay? the dreamies would also be there to share some tips to help you." the smaller didn't look comforted even a little bit, "shotaro, don't worry too much if you can't handle it, we'll stop and try other aspects to train in first."

the other nodded but still looking like he wasn't himself. his fear of guns, weapons in general, grew over the span he locked himself in his room for a few months and in thinking of what possible things might have happened to sakuya. and without his sister, he doesn't have anything to make him feel strong. 

they have arrived at the shooting range and just like what the younger said, the dreamies were waiting for them with welcoming smiles, well, except for one. he was still not fond of having the newbie around him. renjun just couldn't think of any reason why he didn't like the male even when he hasn't been around for more than a week. 

"good morning!" jaemin greeted and pointed to the different types of guns that were prepared on a table, "training starts here. are you ready?"

"kinda?" the japanese male nervously replied, hands wringing. they have noticed how the tensed the male was, "jeno's our sniper, he'll guide you thoroughly plus, we have renjun, our guy from weaponry," jisung reassured him. in their eyes, shotaro looked the most uneasy among everyone who went through the training. 

they were enveloped by an awkward silence, one side not knowing how to address the other's fear and that other not knowing if he'll be able to handle holding one of those death machines. jeno looked around then suddenly clapped his hands together, "so let's get started!"

the japanese nodded and joined him to the table with guns while the taller who accompanied him sat with the remaining members. 

"i assume you have no prior knowledge about guns, right?" the sniper asked and received a nod, "let's start small." he pointed to the guns on the table accordingly, "here we have a revolver, then a pistol, then here are the big boys. here is the shotgun, the rifle, and the machine gun. there are still many more guns, but we'll look at the basics first."

"he looks so nervous," donghyuck muttered while eyeing the pair who were about to talk about the basic parts of a gun, "i wonder whatever happened to this guy to make him this scared."

"well, he is in the mafia. i think he has every reason to be afraid of being in here," renjun replied with arms crossed. 

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