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"fuck this," sungchan continued pacing around the conference room, something he has been doing for the past hour. he was biting on his nails and kept thinking of what they could possibly do just to bring back his lover. "i could just walk up to him. i mean he's my father right? he might want to propose a deal or something?"

the moment they got back to the base, they changed clothes and gathered in the room to figure out something to do. at this time, they needed all minds to work together rather than just the leader and selected members.

"your impulsive decisions will do nothing good," jaehyun answered, hand messing up his hair in frustration. what taeyong was nervous about has come true and he doesn't know what to do. mafia life wasn't necessarily quiet but it wasn't as messed up as this one. "what your thinking is basically a death trap."

"didn't you see the shit he caused in our lives?" renjun spoke as he stared at the table mindlessly, "he turned it upside down, so what makes you think you can just talk it out with him? he wanted you dead before!" he looked up to meet the eyes of the distressed male and his heart instantly melted at the sight of him trying to stay strong. he knew he had to be careful with what else he had to say because this was the time the boy was most vulnerable."we're looking out for you too as much as we want to retrieve him."

"he has shotaro," the affairs officer stopped in his tracks and looked him in the eye, "i just want to bring him back." hot tears filling up his vision for the first time today. the boy was trying his best not to break down but right now, its impossible. he whispered in a broken voice and wiped his tears with his hands. "please."

"we're not stopping you from saving him," xiaojun responded to him, "if anything we even will be with you all throughout, okay?"

after the bomb exploded, he was supposed to get the japanese male but when the smoke faded, he caught a glimpse of one of his father's men pulling shotaro towards their car. sungchan fired his gun multiple times and it did hit the man but he was still able to get in the car together with the japanese and immediately escaped, bringing three people they wanted to be with them now. 

"they opened up their systems," the hacker announced as he continued to type away on his laptop with eyes quickly moving across the screen reading what they have finally revealed after a long time. "well, shit."

"what is it?" donghyuck tilted his head to get a lead on what taeil was saying, "those bastards really have the guts to show this? it really has to be this?"

taeyong stood from his seat and took his place behind the two who were glaring at the screen and looked like they wanted to make it explode to which the leader joined in on. "they really are pushing on our buttons."

"what do you guys see?" sungchan walked from the other end towards their place, wandering what would make them so angry.

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