Chapter 7

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Author's POV

Arjun stopped his car at the entrance of the popular multi speciality hospital, he rushed inside the hospital following the others. Radhika was clueless about who was hospitalized, and she worried more about her family members.

All rushed to the intensive care unit Radhika was praying to god that nothing bad should happened to her family. Arjun, Arun went to talk with doctor Radhika felt something strange about the patient, she was worried what if something bad happened to her parents or brother. Without a delay she went inside the ICU with permission to see the patient from little far. She was shocked to see the face of the patient on the bed with a half soul, it was none other than grandma.

" What grandma??" Asked Radhika herself. Her head started to spin, her feet was too weak to carry her weight, she was about to fall down, all of a sudden Arjun held her and prevents her from falling down.

" Radhika.... stay strong nothing will happen to grandma. I know you can't see her like this, that's why I didn't tell you about her condition. Please be strong we will save her definitely" said Arjun with a heavy heart.

Radhika was stunned, she became dumb, she didn't react or replied to Arjun.  Saritha was also equally shocked to see grandma in ICU, she and Radhika sat on the waiting area with a pool of tears.

Radhika still was not out of the shock, she can't believe that grandma was hospitalized, somehow she felt guilt about the truth that why she never thought that the patient admitted would be grandma. Unknowingly tears rolled down from her eyes.

Earlier she thought that grandma was affected by some unknown power so she behaved weirdly and troubled her, that's why she got scared of Grandma and maintained distance with her.

From house maid and driver Arjun and his family learnt what happened to grandma, and how she was hospitalized.

They said, suddenly some noise came from Grandma's room immediately the maid rushed to see what was that sound?? To her shock grandma was on the floor unconsciously with a heavy injuries. They assumed she might had fell down while walking. They said the same to the family members,but Radhika was not ready to believe that it was an accident. Because she suspected that it was all done by that unknown evil power haunting her.

Radhika questioned herself, It( unknown power) used her as a medium to communicate and trouble her, but now why she was attacked??
Why would she became a victim?? She was tired of this thought and confused. Now the only thing came in her mind was, grandma should be saved. She went into the temple at hospital area and prayed to God to save her grandmother.

After sometime.....

A nurse rushed out from ICU and asked louder.
" Who is Radhika??"

" It's me" said Radhika. She was puzzled why she called her name.

" Sister she is my wife. Why did you call her??" Asked Arjun.

" Sir.... Your grandma wants to meet her"  said nurse.

" Is it?? Grandma woke up?? How is she now??Can we all her?? "Asked Arjun.

" Sorry sir. I can't let you all, still her condition was not stable her pulse rate is going down. She wants to talk with your wife immediately" said nurse.

The whole family was shocked to know about her health condition, they all got panic and feared about the worst. Radhika and Arjun were so terrified about grandma's deteriorating health.

Whole family went inside with the doctors permission to see grandma. She looked so pathetic with her bad injuries. Radhika was shivering inside and was dying in guilt, she held Arjun arms and stood beside him. She thought it was all happened because of her, just because she went out with Arjun it assaulted grandma.

Grandma opened her wrinkled eyes slowly and looked at her family. She smiled at them and signed them to not  to worry she will be alright. Arjun and Saritha stood on either sides by holding her hands. They both looked teary eyed, with a fear of loosing her, but she smiled faintly and asked them to not to cry.

All of a sudden Grandma's eyes stopped at Radhika, who was standing beside Arjun with a dead fear. Her eyes widened in shock immediately she signed her to come closer to her.
With a fear and of guilt Radhika trembled and moved near grandma. She bend down to touch her fore head, and whispered in her ears
"Sorry grandma".

" Radhika , it's following you everywhere like a shadow. Fight back or else it will destroy you and our family" whispered grandma in her ears.

Radhika was shocked and asked her fearfully " What?? Following me??Who was that??"

" Ssshhh..... Radhika don't panic. It's here standing next to you. It is... It is...." While grandma tried to say about that unknown evil power suddenly her heart beat stopped.

Grandmother was dead.
She was no more.

Radhika and the whole family was beyond the shock to know that's grandma was dead. That devil power laughed in Radhika's ears louder, she tried to close her ears with her palms and cried sitting on the floor.

To Be Continued....


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Meenakshi Jothi

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