Chapter 23

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Radhika was perplexed to hear her name from some anonymous voice. She looked at Ajay and Tantric, they too looked on.
They all together looked around the place and looked sceptical.

"Ha.. Ha..Ha..." Suddenly a thunder striken laughter hit the cave, all three flinched in fear. Radhika and Ajay looked confused, but Tantric realised the person behind the voice.

He murmured in fear, " Ashok"
Other two looked terrified hearing his words.

" What?? Is this Ashok's voice??" Both Ajay and Radhika trembled in fear. Tantric nodded hesitantly.

" But where is he?? We can't see him" said Ajay. Radhika nodded doubtful.

Tantric said, " This place is sacred with holy spiritual powers so, a bad soulless body cannot enter into this place. Ashok maybe powerful but he can't step inside, he was cursed ". Radhika and Ajay looked on.

After a deep silence Ashok shouted at top of his voice, which echoed through the walls of the caves.

Ashok said angrily," Tantric I believed you and sacrificed my life but you cheated me, you got all the powers and made me as your slave, now you will pay for that", Ashok laughed evilly. Tantric gulped in fear.

"Radhika do you think that you can get rid of me?? Is it possible?? You are day dreamer" said Ashok mockingly. Radhika looked shocked hearing his words.

Radhika wiped her fears away and replied back to Ashok fearlessly,
"  Shut up you bloody idiot. Where are you coward?? Show me your face if you have dare "

" How dare you Radhika??" Ashok gritted.

" I have a dare, if you have dare come in front of me and show me your power" said Radhika angrily. Ajay and Tantric looked on confused.

Tantric tried to stop her," What are you doing?? Are you mad?? He will kill me" Asked Tantric by looking at Radhika loosing his temper.

Soon after Ajay understood her plan of getting him inside to finish him forever. He realised she was provoking him to come inside.

Ajay remembered how the tantric said Ashok can't get in this cave, if he ever try to break in here, he will be destroyed and his powers will wipe away.

Ashok laughed slyly and asked Radhika to turn around to see his dare. Everyone in the cave gets confused and turn around to see what happened. Ajay and Radhika were stunned to the person standing infront of them. It was none other than,

" Arjun " Radhika muttered his name.

Radhika was wondering ,how did Arjun come here suddenly?? She reminisced how Guruma promised her to save him and keep him in the pooja until she returned.

Radhika saw Arjun looking down not facing her,  she was worried about him and rushed to him immediately. When she was about to touch his shoulders, he pushed her down to the floor.

With his sudden hard push, Radhika lost her balance and fell down and get hurt on her forehead and knees. She looked shocked at Arjun's behaviour, Ajay helped her to get up.
She ponder why Arjun hurt her deliberately, what happened to him?? He was not talking a word with her. Still now he was not looking at her eyes. She was worried.

Tantric asked them to not to go near him and asked them to look at his eyes. Only by then everyone noticed Arjun's eyes were not looking normal.

His eyes balls went up unusual and he looked scary like a ghost. Radhika was taken back by seeing her loving husband like that. She cried shouting his name and tried to go near him but She was stopped by Ajay.

"Arjun... Arjun...." Radhika cried.

" Radhika he is not our Arjun now please don't go near him, he might hurt you" warned Ajay. Ignoring his warnings Radhika went near Arjun and cried vigorously.

"Arjun, what happened to you?? How did you change like this?? Look at me Arjun, I'm your Radhika, your wife" said Radhika tearful. Arjun didn't react hearing her pleads, he remained the same and pushed her away forcefully. She hit the ground the cried out helpless.

Once again Ashok laughed cruelly seeing Radhika in tears. He mocked her,
" What did you think Radhika?? That I will come in your words and come inside this cave to finish my life??" He laughed louder.
Radhika cried and tried hard to control her tears. She didn't understand what is happening here.

" Radhika you may be smart but I'm smarter than you. But this time I will thank you Radhika for finding this place and helping me to get my body" Ashok said with a smirk.
All looked on shocked.

Tantric yelled, " Ashok you can't get inside this cave, I will not let you take this body. I will burn it right now". Tantric took the fire torch in his hand and ran near the body to burn it. But he was violently stopped by Arjun, and he threw him in the air fiercely.
Tantric cried in pain and fell down, Ajay looked dumb struck, Radhika was speechless.

She murmured, " Arjun ...."

Ashok laughed evilly and said, " Radhika,
he is not your Arjun. Now he is my slave, now he is possessed" he said proudly. Radhika was in dead shock.

She asked him, " What did you do with him?? You shameless monster"

" Don't worry Radhika for the sake of our old relationship, I will tell you the truth" Ashok said lustful. Radhika felt disgusted.

Ashok started to say the flashback of how he got the control of Arjun's soul.

To Be Continued...


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Next update will be next week guys , kindly wait for that.

Thank you
Meenakshi Jothi

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