Chapter 1 - The Letter

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We were doing our homework in the common room, "Hey do you suppose you'll be going to your home this christmas break?" I asked Draco.

"I don't know. Maybe? Why'd you ask?" He questioned me. All year long, he keeps talking about the Malfoy Manor and how its so beautiful, so majestic. I envy him. Because he has such amazing family, he still have both his parents and Mrs Malfoy is so beautiful. Stupid for me to say but I think I have a crush on her.

"Hey Draco, there's a letter here for you." shouts a fellow slytherin.
"Stupid! Do you expect me to go to you?" He groaned while rolling his eyes at them. They gave the letter to him and backed away quickly.
"Why do you have to be so mean Draco?"
"Well becau-" He said. I cut him off,
"Because I'm a Malfoy.' Yeah that's a bit dumb, using your family reputation as an excuse" I stortled.
"Whatever y/n" He rolled his eyes at me, I scoffed. And then there were silence, then we laughed at the awkward silence.

He takes a look at the letter and said, "Oh it's from my mother,"
"Is there something wrong? What does the letter say?" I asked worriedly, it could be bad news. He takes his letter knife and cuts it open.

"To my dearest Draco,

This upcoming christmas break, I hope you'll take some time to get out of Hogwarts and come home. Just to ease some stress, relax a little. Your father will be there for a few nights as he is needed for work most of the nights.

I hope you'll come and if your friend, Y/n have no place to go to this break..she is more than allowed to come along as well.

I love you and wish you're doing well.

Love, Mother "

I looked at him patiently for him to tell me what the letter read. He was sighing as he fold the letter back.
"Well? What is it? Is everything okay?"
He shakes his head, "No? Was there an accident or something? What is it Draco?" He raised his sight to me and said,
"Yes. There is an accident." I gasped at his words and said,
"Oh my god. What?"
"You," He joked. "You're the accident your parents had" He laughed.
I hit him with a book so hard that he shuts up.
"Fucking stupid. What the hell Draco, I really thought your parents are in an accident or worse." He puts his fist in front of his mouth, laughing hard.
"You're a dumbass, do you know that?" I shake my head in disagreement. He was backing away when I reached for my book to hit him again.
"Whoa shit y/n. I'm joking."
I rolled my eyes, and scoffed while mouthing the word 'Fuck you' at him.

I turned my head to face my homework again. Avoiding any conversation with Draco. I covered my ears, didn't want to listen to anything he is saying.

"It's about the break. My mom wants me to come home and with my dad being there for few nights, she wants us to be a family again." He tells me the content of the letter. But I wasn't listening at it that much.
"Oh also, she said if you have nowhere to go to this break.. you can come along and we'll have dinner together." He goes on. My ears opened up when he said that his mother, Narcissa Malfoy which to me is a beautiful lady welcomes me to join him to go there. At the Malfoy Manor. This will be my first time to go there. I put my hand over my book and looked up at him,
"What'd you say?" I asked him in disbelief. He repeats it again and asked me if I'm okay.
"I am more than okay. Wow, going to the Malfoy Manor in Christmas? Sure I would love to join you." I answered with awe. I couldn't believe it, I am invited to come over to the Manor. And then meeting with Narcissa Malfoy.
"Well okay then. Make sure to pack your things early alright? Don't want to be late." I nodded my head agreeing to him.

Then we continued doing our work, after that we packed our books and went to our rooms. On our way heading to the rooms, Draco asked me something that made me a little panic.
"You know, I wonder though.. don't you think you should ask your parents first, if they'll allow you to go to my house this break?" I stopped walking and turned my body to face him.
"My parents are way gone, remember? I lived with my aunt and to be honest, I hate living there with her." He mouthed the word "shit" and said,
"Shit. Now I remember. I feel a little sorry about my joke earlier y/n" He pleads with a guilty look.
"A little sorry? Just a little?" I hit him on his back shoulder, we laughed. "That's okay Draco. I know it's a joke" We continued walking and then went into our rooms.

I don't know what I should pack now. I'm thinking maybe a black dress with dark green lace should make an impression. I mean I don't want to look horrible meeting the Malfoys. I fold the dress and put it into my suitcase, I brought a pair of heels and packed it inside. I looked over my shoulders, thinking of what else I should bring,
"Dress, check. Heels, check. Some books to read, check. My vulnerables, check. What else?" I clicked my tongue as I'm doing my thinking.
"Oh gosh. My iPod, don't want to forget this. This is just in case if I get bored which I believe is not going to happen." I coiled the earpiece around my iPod and puts it in a small bag along with the charger and some of my accessories. And then I put the small bag into my suitcase. I close it tightly and zipped it, I stood back up and sighed.

Days went by, classes after classes, it's finally time to go for the christmas break. I am so excited to go there and meet Draco's family, I'm a little terrifed though. What if they hated me, hated how I look like or how I talk.

I put on the outfits that I hang on the door, and starts to put on a light makeup - just a little so I won't look pale. I stare into my reflection in the mirror and said,
"It'll be hard for them to ignore me. I'm beautiful" those words came out to gain back my self  love care.

A knock was heard on the door, it was Draco.
"Hey, y/n are you all ready or what?" he called out.
"Come on! we don't want to be late. My father will be mad at me for being late. And if he does, I'll put the blame on you," He complained and kept on complaining. I opened the door and sighed loudly.
"God, you're so annoying. I'm all done okay?" Motioning down from my head to toe. He rolled his eyes and I hit his shoulders.
"Ouch! Okay, damn girl. Let's go then," We walked down the common room and out to the corridors.

*a/n: hey! i havent finished my other book on snape but i just desperately want to do this story on bellatrix/narcissa. i hope you all like the first chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it. i changed a little of my way of writing though lol. please vote and comment on what i should improve or which part you love. have a great day everyone!

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