Chapter 9 - Questions

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It was crazy for me to realize that I am now having some sort of strong feelings towards his aunt. After that, I can hear her footsteps recedes. With her out of the room, I quickly scan to check of her, I sat, smiling and touching the spot where she caresses me.
"Okay, I am not washing my face and this feeling ever," I whispered. Feeling overwhelmed by her touching my face, I now lay back down with hope and imaginations that we would end up together but before I could realize it, I fell asleep.

"Y/n, wake up." I squinted my eyes to see who it was, and it was Draco.
"Why are you sleeping down here? Don't tell me the guest room for you is not good enough." He goes on. I covered my mouth as I was yawning and waking up. He steps back when he sees me sitting up and stretching my body.
"No wonder I knocked on your door, you didn't answered. I almost kicked the door down you know?"
"I'm not awake enough for this, Draco. Let me get my shit up first then you can do that." I groaned. He walked away and went into the dining room, I looked around then put both my hands on my face and through my hair. I took a deep breath before standing up to make up the sofa, folded the blanket like how Narcissa gave to me last night.  I went up to my room, bringing along the blanket then took a shower. I was looking for a proper outfit to wear when I was going through my stuffs then I found that I brought my diary with me, which I obviously didn't remember packing it. I look at the clock that was in the room, and it was close to breakfast so I immediately left my room and went straight to the dining room. Narcissa greeted me,
"Hello y/n, good morning. I hope you slept well." I was nodding my head yes, I mean after what happened last night, obviously I slept well, probably be the best night to remember. I walked to my seat and sat there, looking over at Bella's seat, it was empty.
"Oh, is your sister not coming for breakfast?" I asked Narcissa.
"She will be down soon, I think." As I face forward, I adjusted my seat and see that Draco was furrowing his eyebrows, maybe wondering why I asked that. As usual, Bellatrix came with ruckus that just reflected her reputation then she saw one of the elves and grunted, annoyed by it, she takes out her wand but before casting any spell, her sister had stopped her.
"Oh come on Cissy, have some fun."
"I know but, it's their last week here, before heading back to Hogwarts." She said with a little sad tone. "I just thought, maybe not today? also I have to talk with you in private, a favor to ask you." She continued. Bella smiled and said okay. She took her seat next to me,

"Sleep well y/n?" she raises her eyebrow while giving me a little smirk.
"Uh, yes. Thank you." I was smiling remembering with what happened last night. "Stop smiling y/n, or else she'll know about the crush on her." I look forward, dropping the smile and waits for the meals, as soon as the elves took out the meals out, we ate and had just small conversations over the dining table. After the breakfast, Narcissa went out the room with her sister. I don't know what they're talking about but it looks serious. There was nodding and a lot of hand gestures going on but then I was distracted by Draco and his mischiefs. I never would've imagined that the Malfoys would be so grand about Christmas, because while I was still in the dining room, Draco and probably his father had just put up a tree. He was playing around with his wand, casting spells towards the tree and the ornaments. I walked into the room and stood near the entrance, I was covering my tracks for laughing at Draco - I tried to hold my posture, but by looking at him it's making it even harder. I glanced over my shoulders to see if the sisters are finished with their conversation, and I don't see any of them.

As I turned my head back to see Draco, the elf walked inside and brought hot cocoa -  also something I never imagined happening in this mansion. At first I refused, but hearing that it was Narcissa's idea or "The Mistress" as what the elves called her, I took one of the cup and held it with both my hands. Blowing on the drink, I see only the vapors of the cocoa. Then I walked slowly to the tree, I was going to bother Draco, maybe even make fun of him just a little but he saw me as I was almost near to him. So he rolled his eyes at me so I chuckled at Draco.
"I didn't know you are such a good boy, helping your dad with the tree and everything,"
"Shut up y/n. It's what we do here, we enjoy Christmas - thank you very much - so don't you judge."
"Geez, okay. I'm not judging, I think it's fun and great to be celebrating a holiday with your whole family." I smiled at him, "Well hey, this hot cocoa is really good." I said while pointing at the cup.
"Is it y/n?" I jumped a little as it was Bella, the voice that I am starting to get familiarize with.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you jump like that."
"No. No. It's alright, really. It's nothing. Thank Merlin I didn't spill any hot cocoa on the floor, because I wouldn't want to see any angry faces, hah" I laughed nervously. "wouldn't want to see any angry faces?" Are you kidding me y/n? oh my god.

"You don't mind if I borrowed your little friend just for a moment now, do you Draco?" she asked Draco, by all means, she is his aunt so of course he would let it. Not that I don't like it. So she grabbed me by my arm then carried me away from the tree and Draco. Just the two of us at the corner of the room.
"Now, I realize that it's your last week here. And my sister has to do a late Christmas shopping and Cissy has requested me to stay home, keep you accompanied. So, the question is that, are you going to be okay with that?" First of all, I have never seen this side of her before. Second of all, she's asking a permission? from me? or am I just dreaming. Somebody needs to pinch me, this seems totally unreal. Okay maybe, she meant the three of us: Her, Draco and me. I kept thinking and looking for answers while her voice just echoes in my head,
"y/n? are you alright?" she touches my arm and I came back to reality,
"Yes. I am. And, yeah I think I'll be fine with that."
"Good." she gave a small smile at me and left the room. She said good and then left me questioning: what just happened?

An hour after that, I finally see Narcissa again. She was all dressed up, looking gorgeous. Obviously.
"So uh, going shopping are you?" she was putting in her things in her purse when I asked,
"Yes, forgive me for leaving you here but don't worry, my sister is here. She'll keep you company while we're out."
"Yes of course, I'm not worrying. I mean Draco is here with us, so the three of us, it's all good." then in walks Draco from behind me,
"Three of us? Nope. You're staying with my aunt. Just the two of you." I looked at him and make my eyes bigger with a disbelief look on my face. I grabbed his arm and held him back from his mother.
"What? You're going shopping too?" I sighed.
"I have so many things to say right now." I gather my thoughts and hit him on his arm.
"You, shopping? And what the hell Draco. You're leaving me with your aunt?"
"It's going to be okay. Trust me." he gave me a cheeky smile, knowing that something's up with him, I pointed at his face. "I feel like there's something going on with you, y/n. I mean, you were looking for my aunt, oh, and you even asked me about her."
"Trust you? the last time I trusted you, we were put in detention. Thanks to you" he cockily doing the 'tipping the hat' gesture. "That's not a compliment Draco, oh my god. And what's that last part supposed to mean?" he raises his eyebrow and smirked at me,
"If I know any better, I would say, you're having feelings towards my aunt Bella." I laughed nervously like I never laughed before.
"Feelings? To your aunt? No. I don't but do you?"
"Do I what?" he asked me.
"Know any better," I said to him.

*a/n: so sorry for not updating on the story for almost a month. i had a very busy month, with assignments and exams. really sorry if you realized any difference in the way i write or anything and that i had to end the chapter like this. anyway, i appreciate to all of you who reads or vote or even commented on this story, thank you so much! i really hope you enjoy it. and i'm really hoping that you are having fun with the book and everything. thank you so much for supporting this book, love yall so so much! have a great day or night, wherever you are. of course, take care and stay safe <33

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