Chapter 12 - Christmas Dinner

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Days after days, it's getting closer to the day when Draco and I have to leave this place, and back to Hogwarts. I started to pack my things back into my suitcase, again doing checklist in my head. But of course leaving the clothes still folded neatly in the closet for me to wear these last two days. As I was packing some of my things into the suitcase, I saw my diary sitting in the closet under the pile of my clothes. I decided to write a diary entry while I'm still here and so I did. I sat on the bed, opened the diary and started writing about every single crazy things that had happened ever since I came to this house. Not to forget, I wrote about how crazy the feelings I have over Draco's aunt now. I'm feeling torn apart if I had to choose between the mother or the aunt. I was smiling at my diary while writing, the memories just came flooding in and I had the chance to relive the moment again. I wrote how I came clean to Draco about the crush I had for his aunt, which surprisingly he is kind of okay with it.

Whatever that happened, I wrote it down for me to reminisce the moment again and again. After awhile of me writing I closed the diary with a smile on my face, thinking of the good times I had here and how so much fun it was. I stopped as my alarm went off which means it's Christmas dinner, it will probably be the last dinner I have here if our schedule is unchanged.

It was Christmas eve at the Malfoy Manor, I was told that we were going to do a normal 'open the presents on Christmas morning. So I am pretty excited about it, I haven't had a lot of happy Christmas events in my entire life. I think. The cold starts to kick in just as soon as I walked out of my room. I bumped into Draco on the way out. We started to walk side by side.
"Hey y/n." he sees me rubbing my shoulders, seeking out for some heat.
"You okay? You can't be that cold, you're literally wearing a jacket." I gave him a good glare which made him stopped complaining about the problem between me and the cold.
"Yeah right, says the person who is wearing a silly Christmas sweater."
"Just so you know, this was from my mother." we chuckled when he realizes that he actually looked a bit silly.
"Oh hey, I forgot to ask you, remember the other day, when we got caught by my aunt for taking a late night walk in the snow? You never told me what she said to you." I was shaking my head, refusing to tell him.
"Come on, did something happened between the two of you when I got out of the room?" he's teasing me by poking into my shoulders, trying to get answers from me.
"You can be really  annoying, do you know that? For your information, I helped us get out of the trouble. I explained to her about the walk and everything which she's very much fine with it."
"So she won't tell on us? To my parents?"
"I think so. I don't know. Well, it's Christmas day tomorrow, you got any gifts for me?" I asked with a little smug on my face.
"No. Why would I give one to you?"
"Ugh, harsh. But also, touché. Because I don't have any gifts for you either." we laughed at each other and continued walking until eventually we're in the dining room. The elves are now working even more hard to make the place looks comfortable for Christmas dinner. Narcissa walks out the kitchen while carrying a plate of herb-roasted turkey, then she sets it on the table. I take whiff of the delicious smell of foods and immediately all I could think about is the taste.
"Hello y/n, and Draco. Look at you, wearing the sweater I gave you from, god knows how many years back. Thank goodness it still fits you." I giggled and tried to hide my laugh hearing her said that.
"I hope you two are hungry, there's turkey - the star of the dinner table. And we got some of the side dishes too."
"It smells so good. I wish I could've helped you with the cooking."
"That's quite alright dear. I heard that you like roast potatoes." I looked at her confused, and asked,
"Hold on, how do you know about that?"
"Draco might have told me the other day when we went out for shopping. He said that you would look forward for that dish every Christmas, because it reminded you of the Christmas you had when you were little. So I decided to cook it and prepare a special plate for you." she answered as she points the plate of potatoes that are placed in front of where I'd be sitting.
"Awh thank you so much. I hope it's not a trouble for you." she shook her head, saying no. 

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