51 / She's Back!

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Thomas had been about to shout his friend's name and run to her. He'd thrown his arms around the girl, telling her how pleased he was she was there, but she had to go. It wasn't safe. She needed to leave, though he wouldn't be able to release her.

Mand had a similar reaction, but was more reserved. She'd show her how pleased she was to see her. Ask how she had been since leaving. Be happy she was looking well and was still alive.

Eddie took the chance away from them. He pushed past the pair roughly, causing them to stumble back. He was standing in front of Bren before they'd properly composed themselves.

"What the hell are you doing here? We don't need you. We don't want you."

Eddie's words were hissed, but the anger in them wasn't matched by his wide, thankful eyes.

"He was sweet on her," Mand whispered to Thomas. "didn't take it well when she left."

"I was not sweet on her," snarled Eddie without looking back.

"I knew he'd hear me," Mand said even more quietly. "But that's part of the fun."

"Give it up Mand. Not the place."

Still whispering, Mand nudged Thomas's arm. She was smiling.

"He's an Echo. He's crap at finding things for Oscar, but it's fun winding him up."

"What's an Echo?" Thomas asked. He thought he'd heard all the empowered nicknames, but he'd somehow missed this one.

"I can hear things from a long way off, and repeat them word for word. It's a shit power and it only means I know when people are slagging me off."

"It's not shit," said Bren quietly. "You just haven't figured out how to make it useful."

"You sound like Oscar," Eddie sneered. "And no one asked you anyways. Piss off back to your hidey hole."

Bren ignored the outburst. Instead of reacting or responding in kind, she held out her arms. Eddie paused, grumbling under his breath, then stepped forward, letting them wrap around him. Thomas felt a pang of jealousy. That was meant to be his embrace. Had Bren come for Eddie and not him? Did they have history? Did Thomas like her more than in just a friend's way? No, he was sure he didn't. But still, she was supposed to have come for him, not them.

Bren dropped her arms and Eddie stepped back his previous ire gone.

"Welcome back," he said.

"I wish I could say it's good to be back."

"I wish I could say I meant it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The Spotters are here. They've come for him." Eddie gestured towards Thomas, who felt the pointed finger was an arrow, sharp and hungry for his chest.

"I know," said Bren. "So have I."

Both Eddie ad Thomas stared at that, and Mand's eyes narrowed.

"Me?" Thomas asked.

"Him?" Eddie's simultaneous response was as incredulous as Thomas', but had a shadow darkening it.

Bren walked past Eddie and stood next to Thomas, putting her arm around him. Eddie opened his mouth, but closed it without speaking.

"I had to leave you back there," she said, "but I wasn't going to leave you."

"I knew you wouldn't," Thomas said, smiling. He avoided Eddie's gaze, not wanting the other's outrage to taint the moment.

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