Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to a very special reader who goes by the username Jung_Gieun :-)



Chapter 9

"Y- you do like me, don't you?"  The young man sitting across from Kate was looking more and more hurt by the second.  He knew where this conversation was going.

Kate shifted uncomfortably in her seat.  This was the worst date at Starbuck's they'd had yet.  She didn't want to hurt him, but she knew she couldn't continue seeing him either.  "Of course I like you, Matt.  You're a great guy-"

"Oh no," Matt groaned miserably.  "Don't, just don't.  You're about to say the whole 'it's not you, it's me' thing, aren't you?  Please, just save the speech.  I get it... I guess."  He sighed.  "It's just, I thought things were going so well.  This is totally out of the blue."

"I've been thinking about everything.  Senior year was amazing.  It was so much fun.  Being able to say that you were my boyfriend made me feel special and I loved spending time with you.  But high school's over, Matt.  You're going off to college, I'm not.  Do you really think a long distance relationship would work?"

"I think we could make it work.  Sure it would take some effort.  But then, everything takes effort, right?"  Not receiving an answer, he leaned forward across the table in order to talk to Kate so that others wouldn't hear.  "I guess if we're breaking up, I shouldn't feel bad pointing out something you really need to work on.  Everything takes work, Kate.  I don't think you've ever understood that.  You run from everything when there's the slightest problem.  You can't keep doing that.  You have to put effort into things.  And I'm not just applying that to this.  I'm applying it to everything in your life.  School, your family, your friends."

Matt found he couldn't take sitting any longer.  He stood and looked down at her.  "So yeah, maybe these can be our 'parting words'.  Everything in life takes work.  Someday you might be glad I told you that.  Good-bye, Kate."  And then he walked out of the coffee shop leaving a stunned Kate looking after him.     


A rather long, low moan emerged from Kate's lips as the dream ended.  Her eyes felt strangely heavy but she forced them open anyway and blinked some.  She was slowly waking up from what literally felt like a coma.  And she wasn't quite sure why it felt like that...

Everything was still except for a sort of swimming feeling in her head.  It caused her to moan again.  What happened to make me feel this sick?  As time continued to pass, realization and reality began to sink in.  

Kate was becoming very aware of her physical state.  One, she was lying on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room.  Two, she was naked.  Three, her head was starting to pound in pain.  And four, other areas of her body were beginning to hurt. 

Brief blurry images suddenly played back through Kate's mind.  They were memories.  Memories of being kidnapped, of the basement, of the den, and of the wine...

Just the remembrance of that foul-tasting liquid was enough to make her want to puke.  

She reached for some bed sheets that were in a disheveled pile on the bed next to her and pulled them over her body with a shiver.  Why can't I remember any of this?  She was lying naked on what she assumed was Todd's bed.  We were in his den drinking, and the last thing I remember was him pouring more wine in my glass.  

It didn't take much to guess what had occurred.  The burning pain coming from certain areas of her body confirmed it all.  He took advantage of me.  I was drunk and.. he raped me.  

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