Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Nathan's gone and he isn't coming back, Kate thought to herself while sitting in the kitchen of the Delozier house sipping on hot tea. It was now only Todd's house and that realization pained her.

She looked around the kitchen. I should have been more prepared for this. He was old and looking frailer everyday. It shouldn't have come as such a surprise.

Kate couldn't stop thinking about how Nathan had looked... The image of his cold, lifeless body would forever haunt her.

But also, she couldn't help but think of Todd. Yes, he might insensitive sometimes, but he has to be hurting right now. In fact, he'd made it clear that he was. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought he would want her to stay with him after something like this. He must be in a very low place right now.

She'd agreed to stay but had felt the need to leave the bedroom. One, looking at Nathan's body was almost unbearable. And two, she wanted to give Todd some privacy and let him figure out what to do next. An ambulance needed to come get the body out of the house, funeral arrangements needed to be made, friends and relatives needed to be called...

Honestly, Kate felt out of place now. Her only reason for being here was for Nathan. Without him, she didn't have a job.

She would never enter this house again after today.

The thought made more tears come to her eyes. She didn't want this to be the end.


Todd's thoughts were on Kate and no one else. He was standing in his father's bedroom mulling over his options. Nathan dead body lay on the bed in front of him.

I have to get rid of the body, and then-.. His eyes met the doorway. My beautiful Katie is in the kitchen right now. She hasn't the faintest idea...

He had a couple of plans in mind, both of which he had made before she arrived. He only needed to choose.

Plan one: Go to her and calmly and rationally state my wishes. Be completely honest. Relay to her my feelings and ask if she will stay with me.

It seemed a little far fetched...

Plan two: Don't ask if she will stay with me. Tell her she will. Be forceful and aggressive. Do whatever it takes.

That was more like it. No matter how sorry she felt for him right now, it wouldn't be enough to convince her to stay. Kate needed time to get to know him. But Todd couldn't give her that. If he were to allow her to leave the house now, she would undoubtedly tell people of Nathan's death.

It wasn't just that, though. Todd was sure no one would suspect him of murdering his own father. The fact was that Kate would move on. She would find a new job and forget about him.

He couldn't allow that to happen.


Kate finished her cup of tea and sat with her fingers folded together on the table. She really was feeling out of place.. What she wanted was to go to her parents' house and cry on their shoulders.

Maybe I should just tell Todd I have to go. He has a lot to do. I'm just in the way.

It was then that he walked into the room.

"I see you made yourself some tea," Todd commented, his eyes moving from the kettle on the stove to her.

"You're welcome to have some. I find it's always soothing during.. times like these."

He nodded in understanding but refrained from getting any. Instead, he walked towards the table.

Kate stood then. If he wasn't going to drink any, then there was really no reason for her to stay. "I'm sure you have a lot to do. I should probably-"

A smirk came to his face while she talked. He interrupted, "Please tell me what you should 'probably' do."

She found the look on his face odd, to say the least. "Well, I should go. You have a lot to do to get ready for Nathan's funeral. I'm just in the way."

His head tilted to one side. "You think you are in the way here?"

She nodded hesitantly, not understanding why he wouldn't take the hint.

"Well..." Todd stepped around the table so that he was in front of her about six feet away. "You aren't."

"I'm.. not?"

He displayed a warm smile. "No, you're not in the way, Katie."

Kate's heart began to beat a little faster. The only people who called her 'Katie' were her parents. It was a sweet nickname. Todd didn't know her nearly well enough to call her that. "I have stuff to do," she said, trying to stay polite.

"Like what? I really am curious because, as I see it, you had already planned on working your scheduled shift today. Plans couldn't have suddenly popped up." He crossed his arms and studied her.

Her brow furrowed in confusion. She didn't understand this at all. Why was he trying to keep her here? And what was with that teasing tone? "I- I don't understand."

"Allow me to clarify," Todd stepped in smoothly. "You see, Katie, it's just the two of us now and I have a confession to make. I have been waiting for this. This moment, without my demanding father in the way. We can finally focus on us."

Kate felt a shiver run down her spine. Her nightmares were just like this... Yet, this wasn't a dream. This was reality and it was terrifying. "I really have to go," she squeeked before attempting to quickly walk past him.

Todd sighed and shook his head. His hands clamped down upon her shoulders right before she could pass by.

With one hand, he gently moved some gorgeous brown hair away from her left ear. Then, he bent to whisper, "I won't let you leave, Katie. Not ever."


Thank you for reading. You people are awesome!

I want to give a special shout out to:





Thank you all so much for reviewing the previous chapter! I really appreciate it.

To everyone who's reading: Please review! It'll help me write faster :-)



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