ONE, sneaky shit

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Thank fuck for Friday. If it wasn't for Friday I would've killed myself already. All i needed was to get through a couple hours of school. I mean how bad could it be?

I was walking through the halls, searching for my best friend, Troye. We've been close ever since the start of high school. We bonded over our love of music much like me and her but the difference is Troye actually stuck by my side.

I spot the blonde near my locker on his phone causing me to smile. His short styled hair made it easy for me to spot him in any crowd.

"Hey bud." I smile at him, making his head snap towards me.

I was going to go into detail about how I was glad it was Friday but Troye shoved his phone in my face, showing Courtney Chipolone's snapchat story. It was posted 2 minutes ago and showed her and her clique pulling up to the school.

I didn't mind Courtney, she was pretty cool, she was one of the only people in that fucking clique that I tolerated. We sat next to each other in biology so we would talk sometimes and I've been to her house a few times too. The only thing that annoyed me was she's best friends with Miss 'I'm too good for you now'.

"Y/N straighten up, i can feel them coming," Troye whispered, the excitement clearly booming over his voice. I mentally rolled my eyes, i love Troye but everyday this would happen and it would piss me off me and more. The populars were coming and of coursed everyone to dramatically step to the side making room for them to walk like they were royalty of course.

To be honest i thought we left this shit behind but of course it just had to carry on. "Look at Ariana." Someone not too far away whispered, forcing my mind to mentally roll at the name i once loved hearing.

It's hard to believe i was best friends with the girl that now stands now, it was dumb for me to actually believe we'd be best friends forever, i honestly believe she forgot all about me. You see when we started highschool she got hotter and hotter which of course made her popularity boost, and ever since then, i despised her.

I lightly scoff to myself as i see an arm attached to her shoulder, knowing it was the arm of no other Pete Davidson, another popular i despised. Troye however, didn't have the same thoughts when it came to Pete, in fact Troye wanted to be all over and under him if you understand what i mean.

I just also didn't understand why the most popular girl in school and the most popular guy in school had to date, i mean the two had an on and off relationship since freshman year and they're still going on and we're going to college soon.

As they strutted down the hall I made eye contact with Ariana. She had an unreadable look on her face and me well you could say i was almost captured by a spell. Almost.

"Get rid of that sour face Y/N just admit they're perfect." Troye sighed in awe.

"They're not though." I rolled my eyes, slamming my locker before walking away from this whole scene.

During the first period, English with Mr Slater, Troye kept trying to catch my eyes so we could talk about my sudden outburst but I avoided all eye contact and tried my hardest to focus on what Mr Slater was teaching.

As soon as the bell went I mentally groaning knowing I have no excuse but to talk to the boy. My breathe hitched as he packed his stuff up and turned his head to me.

" Y/N, stay behind please I want to have a chat with you." Mr Slater said, stopping Troye from having further communication with me as everyone left the room. It was almost as if he read my mind.

Mr Slater was one of the coolest teachers I've ever had, he's the reason I somewhat love English. He was like a father to me, a pretty good one to me based on my experience with father's too.

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