Chapter X

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I stood in front of a crowd, my white silk robe resting lightly across my shoulders, hugging my body. Faces in the crowd all looked up at me as I stood in front of the grand throne. Flowers were placed into my hair through my braids against my back and across my chest. A pool of water stood in front of me, it's water welcoming me eagerly. The water sparkled, glistened across itself in a whirl of greens and blues.

Leo stood beside me, his gaze downcast towards the crowd that expectantly watched for my next move. I turned towards Leo, my face determined as I scanned his features. First, Leo reached towards my mask. His blue eyes looked sympathetic as he slid the fabric up and off my skin, exposing my bare face for all to see.

Leo's hands then reached towards the knot of my robe, his fingers hesitating over the fabric. His chest rose and fell heavily, his eyes hesitant to meet my own as his fingers gently untied the knot. In my mind, it was only Leo and I in the room. I wanted him to know every secret within me, every curve, every sensitive spot and every scar. The robe leisurely slid off my body and onto the ground between us. My skin was now bare, vulnerable to the eye. Leo looked up and met my face, whispering something I couldn't quite hear.

I woke up, a vague sting stretching throughout my throat. My dream still lingered within my mind, every second fleeting from my memory. My limbs felt strangely loose and my head light as I moved to roll over. I opened my eyes slowly, my vision distorted. A figure sat at the edge of my bed, their expression out of reach.

"Your majesty." Jude whispered, her hand resting next to my foot. My mind suddenly remembered the last events that happened before I had blacked out. I remembered the prince's smirk, the sickly smell of blood, the guards expressions to my gift, and Leo's warmth. I took a deep breath, moving to sit up to try and stable myself.

"What happened?" My voice sounded more hoarse than I would've liked.

Jude gave me a soft smile, "There was an accident. Leo brought you back safely. I got you washed and changed into new clothes."

My eyes looked over my silk dress I had slept in. It didn't phase me that she had seen me naked. Nakedness in my kingdom was more common than you'd think. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Half a day or so. Aria says you don't have to attend studies." Jude stood up from the bed, moving towards my desk where a cup of water sat. She passed it towards me, "Please drink. You're dehydrated."

I blinked, taking the cup into my hands as I sipped slowly. My mind felt fuzzy. I swear I just had a dream, but I don't remember what on earth it could've been about.

"Where's Leo?" I felt myself ask. I remembered vague moments where he had carried me to my room, held me close into his warmth.

"He's outside. I can get him if you want." She motioned towards the door, "He wished to speak with you after you woke."

I blinked, gulping the last few sips of the water she had given me. I gave her a small nod in approval. I guess I might as well explain everything now rather than later when it's awkward. He didn't seem scared of me like those other guards. At least, he didn't show it.

"By doing so, you're not only disregarding the kings feelings but also the princesses." His voice echoed in my ears.

Jude gave me a small smile before standing up and leaving the room. I placed the glass down on my desk, moving to stand along with my nightgown when Leo had entered. I looked up towards him in the doorway. There was a stillness in the air as we spotted each other. Butterflies swirled within my stomach under his gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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