Orange Lilies and Other Ways to Say I Love You

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DNF Week Day Two: Enemies to Lovers, Flowers, and "I've seen it all. Try me."


random notes:
- i think i slept on my arm funny, i'm in PAIN and i have a violin lesson coming up eieibfjeincnejbc
- i'm out rn bc of my brothers dental appointment so ur getting quality notes from my phone rn
- i played wii sports resort the other day and i can confidently say that i am a fencing master
- lmao that drista stream was awesome lolololol
- have you ever wondered if maybe once when you interacted with someone online it could've been an alt of of ur favorite content creators? think about that next time you're about to be rude to someone on the internet.
- is the owl house ever going to get a second season??? :(

anywho enjoy!!!


Running a flower shop with his boyfriend of three years definitely wasn't exactly how Karl had pictured his life after graduating from college, but he really can't say he's disappointed. It's calming to be surrounded by the fragrance of flowers, and the shop always feels fresh when he opens the door in the morning to open up shop. Sure, business is a little slow at times, but Karl loves his life and he wouldn't have it any other way.

He likes to think he's a good businessman. He keeps it professional with all of his customers and doesn't comment when people come in with bright red faces to ask for a bouquet of red roses, or when they ask for a flower that's orange, because it's her favorite color. No, instead, he just smiles and nods, and tries to pick out the best flowers for every need, and he hopes that things go well for whatever girl, boy, or enby that the person is asking out.

That being said, you really can't blame him for speechlessly blinking at the brunet in front of him in disbelief after he had stormed in and seethed in a very prominent British accent, "How do I say 'fuck you' in flowers?"

"I- I'm sorry?"

"How do I say 'fuck you' in flowers?" he repeated, crossing his arms across his chest stubbornly. Karl felt pity for whoever pissed the fuming man off.

"There's no specific flower that'll exactly say 'honk you,' but I can give you a bouquet that's filled with loathing," Karl shrugged, offering a sheepish smile. If the brunet finds his use of 'honk' weird in any way, he doesn't show it.

He nodded stiffly. "That'll work."

"Do you want them to be organised in any way, or--"

"Just throw it all together, for all I care. Hey, is there a way I can add a little card on there with a message?" The shorter male asked, grinning widely as he-- from what Karl can deduce-- thought of the many messages that he could leave for whomever had pissed him off.

"I-- Yeah, I can get that for you."

"Great!" he said, and he clapped his hands together excitedly, "Is this twenty enough to cover the cost, or do you need more?"

"I need to grab the flowers first," Karl explained.

"Oh, yeah, you go do that," he nodded, and then he pauses before he smiles sheepishly and rubs his neck awkwardly. "Sorry about this. I know how weird it must seem."

Karl laughs. "That's one way to put it. Who do you need to tell off so badly?"

"It's sort of stupid."

"I've seen it all. Try me."

The man groaned almost immediately. "It's my partner for this one assignment for college. He promised to do his half of the work, but then he didn't do anything, so I had to stay up until like 3 a.m. to finish his part of the project, and then he texts me in the middle of presenting day that he can't make it because he's sick!" He sighed and deflated onto the counter. "I bet he was just making out with a girl or some shit. He's known for that."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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