Chapter 5

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"So how did you know that I'm a ninja let alone Kakashi Hatake? "

" Well besides the really obvious fact that you're kind of famous. You're wearing a Hitai-ate (forehead protector) and the jõnin jacket, not to mention the weapons you carry around".

"Right dumb question". "Hey, don't worry about it, besides we came here for a nice walk so relax", he says with a gentle smile and grabs my hand my hand and pulls me ahead.

"By the way sorry for dragging you out, sometimes tend to bulldoze people into doing things", he said while scratching the back off his neck nervously, which was quite the refreshing contracts from the confidence he previously displaced. "No, it's alright, I'm actually enjoying myself", I say while squeezing his hand in comfort. He flashed me a blinding smile, which funnily enough reminds me of Naruto. I quickly shake my head at the thought, Naru's like way older and more mature, although they have similar names, and both have blond hair.

"Hey Naru, is your hair colour natural or died?". "Why do you ask?", he says confused. "Oh, it's because the only natural blondes are the Yamanaka's and Naruto Uzamaki and he's an orphan ". "Hmm that's true I guess I never actually properly thought about it, but to answer your question I'm not actually from here. My parents were actually wondering merchants, but they died in a bandit attack around the end of the third shinobi war and we just happened to be in the land of the fire, and I had heard of Konohagakure and had been briefly trained by bandits, samurai and missing nin (basically anyone, who could fight). As you could tell I wasn't really picky I just wanted to protect myself, so I sought refuge in Konoha and because of the sudden downsize in the population, due to the war, I was welcomed in, as long as I could prove myself worthy".

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know". "It's okay you weren't their", he replied. "So does that mean you're a ninja because u said you were trained by bandits, samurai and missing nin". "Why don't you tell me", he said amusedly, "Hmm, okay", I say while putting on my best thinking cap. "I think you are, but I haven't seen you around and that's weird because as fellow ninja's I should've seen you around, but I haven't", I shake my head in confusion. "Well, why do you think I'm a ninja?". "That's because your muscles are firm and well developed, not like any normal civilian and that six pack". "I'm glad you're enjoying my body, but that could be that I just enjoy a healthy body, I don't have to be a ninja for that", he says while smirking at me. "Yeah, but you also have a lot of scars on your body an unusual amount for a civilian, plus it's in the way you walk.". "But I could've have also been in a traumatic accident causing them, that could happen to anyone", he voiced. "Hmm that's true, but where you?". "In a traumatic accident? Who knows", he says while shrugging in his stupidly handsome and mysterious way.

"Okay well that was good to know", I say sarcastically. He only shrugs in nonchalant manner and said, "hey look were finally here". I looked up and take a moment to see where here was, a gasped left my mouth as I gazed at the angelic scenery in front me. How we even made it so far, I didn't even though, which is odd because as a ninja wariness, caution is just embedded into us. After all that has happened, I didn't think I'll ever be able be under hyperaware of every little movement and sound. Although, it is nice to know that I can turn this of, even if it has saved my life, a sense of normalcy that I thought I lost after the war. Although I think it's just around him, I've never been so relaxed in somebody's presence, even around Gai and I've known him since we were kids. A feeling of security and a sense of trustworthiness, as cliché as those sounds despite only knowing him for a day.

"Are we still in Konaha? I didn't know a place like this could exist in here". "Yeah, well most don't even the most trained individuals don't! I myself only found this place by accident. I liked to think of it as my little spot, since most don't know about here, I come here to think and be in peace away from the distractions and noise alone"

Huh that means this place is important to him it's sweet that he took me here than. "Thanks for taking me here", I say sweetly. "Oh, it's no problem at all, I know that this is a little fast and not normal, but I don't want to be some hook-up and your more than that to me. I know this is all terribly cliche, but I mean everything I said. Bringing you here with my way of showing how much you mean to me, even if it was only for a short while. Think of this as a date".

I'm honestly shocked I don't know what to say, even with Iruka it was never this emotional, so heartfelt. I slowly take his hands and grip it tightly and say, "thank you no one's ever done this for me before it means a lot".

He smiles and me and says, " I'm glad, now let's get this date on the road".

Hey guys sorry it took so long but I've been super busy with my exams and prelims are coming up, so that's great (note the sarcasm). I've generally not felt great, stressed and felt like I'm drowning with all the expectation to get all A's from my parents, specifically my Mum. With all that going on I've not felt like writing or updating this. Updates will happen less frequently as I'm trying to take a step back and relax a little. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. Author Chan out 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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