night 5

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  You walk into the pizzare and take a deep breath.

"Okay one more night and then I can go back to working at McDonalds" you swing the doors wide open and walk into the elevator. You tap to go down and wait.

"Man this takes for ever to go down" you twiddle your thumbs. Your heart is racing with fear. Who knows what is going to happen tonight. The elevator doors slowly opening giving more a dramatic affect.

"Alright no fooling around tonight I m going to get my shift done as quickly and smoothly as possible" you roll up your sleeves and crawl through the vents. You stand up and control shock baby even though nobody told you to.


Nothing happens. Strange usually she says something. Or you know tries murdering you. You shrug and go to funtime foxy auditorium. You looks around and shine your flashlight down. You quickly make your way through.

"Its so quite in here"

"Kinda suspicious" you note but you keep on walking through.

You step in the hallways and it makes a very loud echo. You gently place your flashlight on the table.

"Anyone else here?" You bite your lip.

"Hello" a voice says and it sounds exactly like baby's. You are confused because you didnt see her in her auditorium. It's very unlike baby to be out of her auditorium. You can see a figure in a shadow but can't tell what it is.

"Baby is that you" you ask while squinting .

" y/n of course it's me who else would it be" their voice sounds more raspy then baby's. But rather than that it sounds exactly like her.

"I don't know" you chuckle and laugh

"Well my shift has already ended so it looked like I better go" you turn to the elevator.

" don't go y/n you haven't quite finished your shift yet" you stop in your tracks. How does baby know my name I never told her my name. Also how would she know if I was done with my shift or not. You turn around slowly.

" umm no I think I'm done for the night" your heart races faster.

" well there's actually a room you never seen around here before" baby chuckles.

" so what about on your last day I show you to the room"

"Make sure not to tell anyone about this room or daddy might get mad" baby skips happily. You are frozen. Dad who is baby's dad. Also why is she inviting me to this room all the sudden. You start walking and you see baby peek around the corner.

"Come on now you don't want to fall behind" you follow far behind baby as she is showing you into the room. Baby swings open a door. You stop before getting close to the doorway.

"Should I really do this" you look at the door.

"How much can I trust baby I have been nothing but rude to her what if she tries to kill me" you say to yourself. You walk very slowly to the door. The hallway feels a lot longer then it did before. You start to feel light headed as well. You grip the side of the door and peeked in the room.

  You gasped.

"what is that" you want to scream but you feel so uneasy the thought of screaming wants to make you puke. You start to struggle to breath because your heart rate is going to fast. Like dang girl you probably burning 600 calories a second. You look around but don't see any signs of baby in the room. You go to run out but a hand grabs your wrist and kicks the door shut. Your eyes winded and you looks down at the hand around your wrist.

  That's not baby's hand. Its gray and the fingers are skinny and long. Unlike baby's hands that look chubby.

"Now now y/n it's not very nice to run off went guest invite you now is it" a smile slowly creeps on their face.

"Most of the time when people have guest they want to come over and are not forced to" you shout

"You weren't forced you just made the mistake of following me" they laugh. You try to punch them but they grab your arm before your hand makes it to their face. You both make eye contact.

"Woah kinda cute" you say

"What" their face forms a very confused look.

" sorry I know dramatic moment and all" you chuckle. They roll their eyes.

"Look if you think your little darn flirting is going to stop me from ripping your organs out it's not going to do the job sweetie" they aggressively pin you to the wall and pull out a knife.

"Oh man" you frown.

"That's all you got? ALL MAN? IM HOLDING A KNIFE TO YOUR THROAT MY MANS" their eyebrows point downwards. You blush.

"What the heck, Why are you blushing this isn't romantic" they shove the knife closer to your throat.

" what is your name" you say

" at least tell me your name before you kill me" you guys make eye contact.

"Ennard" he pulls back the knife. Is he not going to kill me you say in your head. Ennard shoves the knife into your stomach. You cough and you hear it echo through the room. That's embarrassing. You fight the urge to cough and looks at ennard. He backways from you and bends down to make eye contact with you. As you fall to your knees your guys eye contact does not break. He gently put his hand on your shoulder.

" you should have just kept your job at McDonalds"

" then you wouldn't be in this mess" ennard smiles. You hate that smile so much. Your so sick and tired of it. Even if your last breath is you destroying that smile you couldn't die any happier.

"Maybe you shouldnt have brought me into this room in the first place" you pull the knife out from your body and shove it into ennards shoulder head. Nothing happens to him.

"Im not a human silly"

"Now maybe you should get back down to your level" ennard pulls the knife from his shoulder and throws it. It misses you barley you feel it lightly brush your hair as it passes you. You quickly push the door open and run out. (Oh yeah you are bleeding to death by the way maybe you should do something about that sweetie 😘). You stop and grasp onto a chair you gasp for air.

  You fall onto the floor and you grip loosens up on the chair. You suddenly hear ennard walking slowly behind you and you hear his footsteps getting closer.

"Welp this is the end" you mumbled quietly. You soon fell lightheaded and before you know it you see nothing but blackness and you can only hear loud ringing. Soon your body becomes cold to the touch and you aren't moving at all. You are paralyzed from the head down.

Night five complete 😘

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