19: cortado

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the raven looked into Taehyung' s beautiful green eyes waiting nervously on the answer. Did he do this right? it was his first time asking someone this. maybe he forgot something? The more seconds went by the more nervous Jungkook was getting, and he almost never got nervous.

"I-i would love to, yes!"  Taehyung smiled. he jumped forward hugging Jungkook tightly. Jungkook's eyes widen and he took a few seconds but then wrapped his arms around the barista his rather slim waist and put his face in his neck hugging him tightly back.

"Im glad"  the raved said when they pulled away. the blonde was smiling so wide, he didnt think he had seen him smile this wide before.  it gave him a good feeling. He expected a reply in words and was because of that very surprised when Taehyung suddenly cupped his face and kissed him. 

Once realising jungkook quickly snakes his arms around the boy his waist and pulled him closer against him. feeling their body' s against eachother. Jungkook bend forward slightly and took the lead in the kiss. He felt taehyungs hand go behind his neck deepening the kiss. Who would have thought this boy was such a good kisser. 

Taehyung just did what felt right. The raven parted and looked into those green eyes again. but the two didnt move away. jungkook didnt release the blonde, but Taehyung didn't want him to let him go. He liked the way jungkook held him. he felt safe. 

"do you want to come to my house? you never seen it so it may be fun, we can watch a movie or something?"  Jungkook asked.

"Sure, Seokjin my roommate isnt home so going home will be boring."  Taehyung said. " but i gotta text him i am out so he wont wonder where i am." 

"alright, shall we walk to the car. i parked just outside the gates" Jungkook said taehyung nodded and followed jungkook while he texted seokjin.

"this is my car"  jungkook said and opened the door for the boy to get in. Taehyung looked at the black colored car, it was a cool one. he smiled and thanked the raven for the gentleman gesture.  the writer got in the drivers seat. " its only about 10 minutes drive, it isnt that far." 

" okay"  the blonde smiled and got in the seatbelt. Jungkook started driving. It was strange being inside someone else his car. well. they didnt won a car at all. Taehyung always used the bus or called a taxi. They didnt need a car yet. everything was very close, that was a lus of living in the city. looking at the road jungkook didnt seem to live inside the crowded city.

After a bit more than ten minutes they arrived at a surprisingly bigger sized house. Taehyung was surprised to see a white colored modern looking house next to the road. jungkook turned over a side path and drove onto the parking lot of his house. with a button he closed the gates of his property and hid the remote in the dashboard again.

"So, here we are"  jungkook said while he got out, taehyung did the same and looked around with wide eyes. the house wasnt very big but it definetly didnt look like any ordinary house.

 the house wasnt very big but it definetly didnt look like any ordinary house

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