41: Coffee Cake (end)

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Taehyung's vacation was long over and he was back to work. He was with Seokjin behind the counter preparing an order.

"So Namjoon will move in with you?"

"Yes, my house is big enough and you will move out soon, you said. Have you found something already?"

"not yet. but I'm definitely getting my own place soon." Taehyung smiled as he had been looking for homes for a while now.

"Ah take your time, there is space enough for three for a while.'' Seokjin smiled and handed the lady her drink.

"thanks, so have you heard yoongi and hoseok's new songs?"

"not yet"

"They are really good. Jimin can't stop talking about it. everytime i call him he starts talking about it again. He is such a supportive boyfriend."

"Well you are too. you are advertising jungkook's work almost daily."

"no i am not" taehyung said and blushed a bit. He was bragging about Jungkook to people saying how amazing he was. but he couldn't help it. In his eyes, Jungkook was amazing.


The blonde looked up hearing the door and watched 'him' enter the cafe, his tall figure walking over to the counter where he was standing. The raven hair, the dark eyes, the little grin he gave when he noticed the boy behind the bar was blushing.

"Well hello there sweetcake" the raven said grinning slightly.

"Hello handsome,'' the blonde said, this time not stuttering anymore.

"the usual" the writer said leaning on the counter.

"coffee with cream, right?" the blonde said and turned around slowly.

"well if i can have your cream then i prefer that"

"you can have it all you want, '' Taehyung said. The raven chuckled and walked to his usual table near the window. Leaving the boy with a smirk holding an empty cup. this time not at a loss for words. The raven of course didn't even have to say his name anymore. He came here everyday, like he always did, and Taehyung knew very well by now what this Handsome man's name was.

He bit his lip turning around with a red face and wrote the name, 'Jeon Jungkook' . He drew a little flower with it, like he always did. Jeon Jungkook was his boyfriend after all, he added an extra flour to the name.

"Jeon Jungkook, your coffee is ready~" Taehyung sang. The raven looked up and walked to the counter taking his bag with him. He placed the bag on the counter and took a quick sip of the coffee before reaching in his bag.

"Tae, I have something to show you," he said and took out a book. "This is the extra book I have been working on in secret. i would like to show you" He extended his hand to the boy, taehyung looked at the book and curiously took it in his hands looking at the cover.

It was a simple cover with a beige background. In the middle was a photo of a coffee cup and a little cupcake on the side. The title said, 'From Coffee to sweet love'. Taehyung turned to the back reading the summary of the story. 'A simple writer meets one day a cute barista and falls head over heels for the boy. This is a story about how their love grows and develops' . It was a simple and short summary but it was enough for Taehyung to look up with wide eyes.

"wait. is this...."

"about us"

"R-really?!" Taehyung opened up a random page. it was all written in the pov of the writer. It was really about them. He read about their vacation near the end of the book and smiled. "oh my god! this is so sweet" He read things he didn't know first, like when they were on the beach in Jeju that jungkook watched him from the shore. he could read what the raven was thinking, he didn't know that time that jungkook was thinking such sweet things about him. It was heartwarming to read. "this is so cute!"

"So you...like it?" Jungkook asked if he was nervous to show the boy/ what if he thought it was creepy and disliked it.

"I love it"

"I was thinking of maybe..publishing it if you want to. i have a nameless version so it doesn't have our names in it. this one is my personal version" jungkook said this one had their own names the one he had left home didn't he change them.

"That's fine, you can publish it. I really don't mind. I'm just so surprised you did this! my heart" the boy chuckled rubbing his chest as he read through the pages. Who knew that Jungkook loved him more than taehyung could see from the outside, that Jungkook thought those things. Taehyung teared up reading how dare he was to jungkook. He closed the boy and walked around the counter into Jungkook's arms, hugging him tightly as he let some happy tears roll down his face. "i love you. i love you so much"

"I love you too Tae" Jungkook replied and held the boy tightly back.

"Also '' Jungkook said, parting from the hug to grab his coffee and his bag he sipped the coffee and hummed at the delicious taste of the drink. Taehyung was so good at this, it was still the best coffee he ever had. "Why does it taste so good?" he mumbled, forgetting what he was going to say. meanwhile taehyung had dried his eyes.

"because i gave it my own cream like you asked"

"wait you-"

"no i'm joking. ahaha your face" taehyung snorted seeing jungkook's confused and surprised face. the raven sniffed the drink, not trusting it. "and its just made with love and care that all, your safe to drink."

"o-okay" jungkook chuckled and sipped it. "but what i wanted to ask, i have been thinking to ask you about moving in together?"

"moving in?"

"Yes we can get a new house, or you can live with me. I have enough room." Jungkook said he knew Taehyung had been looking for homes to move out of Seokjin's house as the man was gonna move in with Namjoon who he was together with.

"I would like to, but is it really okay for me to stay with you? won't you feel bothered by having me over all day?"

"Of course not. well probably eventually but that's fine. we will get through it. all couples go through that at least once"

"that's true, well then i would love to move in with you handsome"

"hmm so cringe but i like it" jungkook said at the 'handsome'. "well then let's talk about it more on our date tonight"

"we have a date?"

"no, but we do now. i will pick you up at seven after work"

"a-ah okay" taehyung smiled. The raven was sometimes so sudden with his actions and words.

"So. it's time for me to start part two, a new chapter in our life" jungkook said, taking his bag from the counter ready to leave.

"You better keep up with it" Taehyung chuckled and looked up, their lips connecting. at this moment they didn't care if someone saw them and seokjin was taking a picture of them behind the counter. They just enjoyed their own moment.

They were more than ready for their second chapter, their love story was far from over.


waaaaaaaahhhhh thank you all so much for reading! this is the end!!! im happy to have finished this. it came to a cute end i like it. im glad for those who stuck with me from the beginning and enjoyed it all the way till the end. i really thank you with my heart for the support you gave me. it was so fun to read the comments after a new chapter and see your reactions to some scenes. it made me laugh and excited to start the next chapter already! 💕🤧💚Again thank you for your time reading this story. i hope you enjoyed and maybe i get to welcome you in a other story again.💌

Loves, Author~🐣


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