Chapter 3

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Axel's POV:

I wake up with Stella, naked in my bed. She thinks that just because I sleep with her more than the other girls that we're in a relationship. Stupid blond bitch. I've made it clear to her since the beginning that she's just a fuck buddy. I know she only wants the Luna title. They always do. I push her out of my bed and I'm immediately met with a death stare that I think was supposed to be "intimidating."

"By the time I get out of my shower, you better be gone" I say in my Alpha tone and walk to the bathroom, not even waiting for a response.

Half an hour later, in Axel's office

"I have called you here to discuss the two new rogues that will be joining Jayden and Serena's school" I say to my Beta Lee, Gamma Max, Delta Jayden and my sister Serena.

"We don't have a lot of information on them, just that they are two girls with a young boy who have been staying just outside our borders for a few weeks. They both work in a diner owned by humans and don't seem to have caused any trouble" Lee says.

"Mind you, we only knew about them a week ago" Max adds in.

Looking at my Delta and sister, I say, "Jayden, Serena, I want you both to keep an eye on them. Serena, I want you especially to stay away from them. If they cause any trouble, I want to know immediately. Lee, Max, I want you both to gather as much information as you can on them. Have some pack warriors follow them for a few weeks."


Later that day 

I'm in the kitchen making some pasta when Stella comes in with a broken nose, already slightly bruised eye and tears running down her face. Oh moon goddess. Someone please help me.

"A...Axel, Ax...Axel, look what's happened." She comes up to me and starts to sob in my chest.

Oh fuck. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

"She sounds like a dying hyena" my wolf Blade says. I try not to laugh.

"Blade, what do I do?"

"Well on one hand, she probably did something to deserve getting her ass kicked."


"But on the other hand, she probably won't leave us alone until she tells us what happened, so the quicker we ask her, the quicker we can leave the dying hyena."


"So, what happened?" I say, not even bothering to comfort her because I can't stand her.

"It was those stupid rogues! I was just talking to Serena when one of them came up to us and punched me for no reason!"

"What??!!" I saw red. I hate rogues. I loathe them ever since my parents were killed by a rogue pack on my 15th birthday. I kill any rogue that enters my territory. Stella may be a pain in the ass but she is still one of my pack members and I protect my pack.

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