The Beginning of the End

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Who knows how much time passes? It feels like we've only been competing for 10 minutes. I guess it's true that time really does fly when you're having fun. Before I know it, the rain outside pours heavily and the seas become unreasonably shaken.

Everyone seems to feel the pressure begin to set in. Seems like even Luffy is filled with anticipation as to what's to come. He's been fidgeting and taking more time than before to pick faces for the face-off.

Tipping his straw hat a little, Luffy stands up and addresses everyone, "all right mina, let's make sure to kick some demon butt! We won't let Leilani leave the crew no matter what!" He pumps his fist in the air and everyone does the same.

Almost as if it were on cue, a wave crashes onto the ship and rocks everyone into each other. I try to grab the table and miss, so I have to grab at the closest thing next to me...Sanji... I close my eyes and squeal a little as we all slam into the wall. Sanji curls into a ball around me to make sure I don't get hurt. We both thump and fall onto Zoro. To no surprise, they both start arguing again. Zoro about how Sanji is always bothering him and never lets him sleep. Sanji about how Zoro doesn't do anything except sleep and how he doesn't protect any of the ladies on the ship.

Luckily I wasn't hurt thanks to Sanji, so I thank him as he offers a hand to help me up. "I'm going to go outside and see our situation..." Usopp and Luffy follow me while the rest of the crew gathers themselves together.

Opening the door I can see that the sky is a dark grey and blue, swirling with blood-red and yellow lightning bolts. It gives an ominous, eerie feeling to the situation.

As I open the door a little more the harsh beads of rain pound my face as the wind picks up. The door slams all the way open and I can see that we are no longer anchored on the island. Seems like the ship wasn't able to hold out and started drifting. Somehow I get the feeling that my father had something to do with this though. He probably knows I can't swim and plans to sink the ship in the middle of the ocean.

"OI OI OI OI! WHERES THE ISLAND?! WE WERE JUST THERE HALF AN HOUR AGO! WE SHOULD STILL BE ABLE TO SEE IT!" Usopp freaks out and runs to the front of the ship to see if he can still get sightings on the island. I doubt he'll see anything though because the rain is creating a thick fog that only allows us to see a few feet in front of the boat.

Luffy is laughing and holding onto his hat as the wind pushes against us roughly. "Wooooooo, this weather is really crazy isn't it?" I'm never too sure why he laughs in the face of danger, but it's suiting for him. And I guess it's comforting to know we have a captain that doesn't fear death.

Quickly I call for Nami as the winds get worse and the waves becoming increasingly in mass. She runs out and her mouth drops at the situation. "T-t-the I-ISLAND! WHERE DID IT GO?!," she turns to Luffy and shakes her fist. "Luuffyyyyyyy....did you make sure to put the anchor down?" Her eyes almost have a hint of demonic glare, honestly, she can be scarier than my father sometimes. Luffy nods and takes in a big breath of the sea air.

She sighs before yelling for everyone to get outside and furl the sails. "HURRY UP OR THE WIND WILL TEAR APART THE SAILS AND WE'LL HAVE TO DRIFT IN THIS SEA!"

I climb the mast with Chopper and we pull up the first half of the sails together while Sanji and Usopp get to the other side. Looks like Zoro is still inside. I can't blame him after how much I beat on him, wouldn't be surprising if he had a few broken ribs too.

Nami and Luffy take the wheel, trying to guide the rudder into a current so we can be drifted out safely. It's obvious that it's becoming increasingly difficult as the storm pushes us roughly in the opposite direction.

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