Christmas day

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It was 6 am, Christmas day and I woke up with Rio still wrapped around me. It had been 2 weeks since Charlie's dance and he was finally back to being normal maniac Rio rather than disappearing maniac Rio

He began to move and soon woke up. I turned over so we lay face to face and we smiled at each other

Molly: "Merry Christmas"

Rio: "merry Christmas, baby"

Molly: "what time do you think the others will be up?"

Rio: "Charlie will be up by 8 am... Lucas and Ruth will be up in 3 weeks"

We both laughed and he put a hand on my cheek

Rio : "why did you ask?"

He raised an eyebrow and began to smirk. I pushed his shoulder as we both laughed

Molly: "I wasn't seeing if we had time to fuck"

Rio: "do we not have time?"

Molly: "is there a lock on the door?"

Rio : "not yet"

Molly: "then not yet for you"

Rio : "noooo .. please?"

Lucas: "stop begging you dog and come open presents"

Rio turned over fast to see Lucas standing at the door

Rio: "why are you in here?"

Lucas/molly: "no lock"

Lucas: "come downstairs when you're ready. Charlie already ran downstairs so better hurry"

He shut the door and Rio turned back over to face me

Rio: "We thought we were first up"

Molly: "looks like we're last"

We both got up and walked downstairs into the living room. Charlie was sat next to the tree waiting to open presents and Lucas and Ruth were on the sofa waiting. We sat down next to them as Lucas recorded Charlie opening each present

Rio: "you're more of a dad than I am, Lucas"

Lucas: "it's a shame I can't have my own"

We all looked at him and he looked back, confused

Lucas: "what?"

Ruth: "you can have your own, there are so many options

Lucas: "Well I knew that... I'd rather have a partner with me though"

Rio : "sound desperate"

Lucas: "you were married twice and your only 28"

Rio: "hey, I was with Ila from 14 years old until 19 years old. We got married so young because .. we were dumb but I also don't regret it. I think I would have regretted it more if I didn't. She would have died never being a wife. 2 years later, I met Molly who I love very much, married her at 22 and then had Charlie.. now a second ba-"

We all looked at Charlie who was sat on the floor listening

Charlie: "mummy?"

Rio lifted her onto his lap as we looked at each other and back at charlie

Molly: "Charlie, how would you like a little brother or sister?"

Charlie: "sister! I want a sister! No brother!"

Rio : "um, we can try? What if it's a boy though?"

Charlie: "Can I please have a sister?"

We could both see Ruth and Lucas smirking and trying not to laugh

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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