5 (W e l c o m e)

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Sleep?💤: You guys will be getting a new classmate on Monday due to the transfer of Mineta.

MOMo: Who’s our new classmate?

Sleep?💤: Hitoshi Shinso.

Innocent?: Can I add him to the class chat?

Sleep?💤: Sure

[Innocent? has added
MindOverMatter to the chat]

MindOverMatter: Hello?

Innocent?: Hey Shinso, apparently you’re being transferred to our class so I added you to the chat! Welcome to the inevitable hell that is the chaos of class 1A!

MindOverMatter: So I’m finally in the hero course? Who am I replacing?

MOMo: You’ll be replacing Min*ta thankfully.

MindOverMatter: Thank Nezu I’m replacing it instead of someone else. I can’t stand that thing. 😒

Innocent?: This is the one thing everyone in this class can agree on-Min*ta sucks.

Emo Girl💜: Hello Shinso

Emo Birb🖤: H€||ø,  §μ¡ⁿ§ø

AlienQueen: Hi Shinso! Also, does anyone know what Tokoyami said? I don’t understand it :(

Innocent?: Hæ  f∅∅||¡§μ  m∅®†æ|

AlienQueen: Not Mido too! DX

Emo Girl💜: I’ll translate for you but only this time. Tokoyami said hi to Shinso and Midoriya said “Ha foolish mortal”.

Emo Girl💜: Now stop freaking out classmates out you two! Geez! 🙄

Innocent?: ★ⁿ∅  ©ø\/\/ æ®d★

Emo Birb🖤: ★ⁿ∅  ©ø\/\/æ®d★

MindOverMatter: You guys should listen to her or she might take away your coffee privlliges again.

Innocent?: Fine but only because **** sleep 😒

Emo Birb🖤: B u t     c o f f i e 😔

Emo Girl💜:

Emo Birb🖤: Fine.

AlienQueen: N e wayz. Shinso, are you glad to finally be in the hero course?

MindOverMatter: I guess I’m pretty excited, this is sorta like a dream come true for me. But just so you know–don’t expect me to like any of you stuck-ups with ideal quirks.

BigMonkey🐵: What’s with you and automatically disliking people because there quirks are strong? Jeez.

MOMo: Hello Ojiro. When did you come online, I didn’t see you do so.

BigMonkey🐵: I was here the whole time, I just didn’t say anything.

MindOverMattet: Who’s the one as ‘BigMonkey🐵’? Do I know you?

BigMonkey🐵: I’m Ojiro, one of the people you used your quirk on in the sports festival.

MindOverMatter: Makes sense. Anyway, where’s that really loud and obnoxious blonde guy.

AlienQueen: Bakubae isn’t on the chat much, he’d probably end up blowing his phone because Midoriya’s in it as well😅

MindOverMatter: Alright.

MindOverMatter: What do you all do here when you aren’t in class?

MOMo: Sometimes we do class hangouts but most of the time people in this class are either studying, training, or doing stupid things for entertainment.

Innocent?: + breaking laws, getting attacked by the LOV, or making jokes as an unhealthy coping mechanism to deal with our trauma*

Innocent?: You’re gonna fit in here great Shinso!

MindOverMatter: Should I feel complimented or offended? Idk at this point

Innocent?: ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

BigMonkey🐵: Probably more insulted than anything but nobody in this sad excuse for a class can judge so dw

Emo Birb🖤: H∅\/\/   DA®€

Innocent?: H∅\/\/   DA®€

Emo Girl💜: Just this once I’m not stopping those two unless I think you’re at serious risk of death. •→•

BigMonkey🐵: I  h e a r  t h e m , h e l p
p l e a s e  I ’ m  s o r r y

[⚡I - G o - Z A P⚡ is online]

⚡I - G o - Z A P⚡: why did i just see Tokoyami and Midoriya set up a summoning circle outside of ojiros dorm?

Emo Girl💜: Backread but don’t stop them, this is payback.

⚡I - G o - Z A P⚡: lol why would i dtop them? this is funnt

⚡I - G o - Z A P⚡: stop* funny*

BigMonkey🐵: I’m not leaving my dorm so good luck getting me now 🤣

MindOverMatter: Don’t try to antagonize them money boy. They’ll find another way.

AlienQueen: Being in this chat can be so entertauning 🤣

MOMo: I’m going to try to stop them before a teacher notices.

[MOMo is offline]


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I’m starting a competition for you all! I’m trying to do another story I had an idea for (not a chatfic this time).

Drawing prompt (what is being drawn):
Deku with spotted owl features (wings and whatever else you think would look good)

Your drawing gets to be the cover on Wattpad and you get a shout-out at the first chapter, plus I’ll follow you on Wattpad!

Tuesday—April 27, 2021

Bnha Chatfic - Big Mistake, Or Big Help?Where stories live. Discover now